STAkrog: Hairdressing and fitness: we are on the verge of collapse


The section on fitness, recreation and regeneration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia raised the question of who will take care of people’s mental and physical health after a pandemic. “Recreational sports and fitness companies are on the brink of survival as current state aid for this business model is just a drop in the ocean,” they wrote in today’s press release.

“We can’t work remotely or sell our services online. Our work is completely disabled because we don’t have any products that we can put in people’s hands to take home and help us,” the hairdressers said. in the Hairdresser magazine. They pointed out that during all this time, decision makers have not once consulted with hairdressers or tried to find a common solution to practice the profession during the epidemic.

Both hairdressers and owners of fitness centers, of which there are more than 150 in Slovenia, have pointed out that the help provided by the government in all previous anti-crown packages is not enough for the industry to survive. “Companies in our industry have as a result already exhausted their internal reserves,” they wrote in the newly created section, noting that “having a strong fitness, recreation and regeneration sector after the pandemic will be of enormous importance.”

“Due to the nature of our industry, where trainers work as individual entrepreneurs who work in several fitness centers in one day, linking industry aid to the number of full-time employees is completely inadequate. Entrepreneur and supply 78 million. euros in coaching services, even if they are not regularly employed in sports and recreation centers, “they explained.

If the state wants hairdressers to survive, it has to take different measures, said David Cukjati, CEO of Lassana. “The state subsidy covers up to 80% of a worker’s waiting cost for work and is unreasonably less than the subsidy received by a self-employed person. The measures of the first wave of the epidemic, such as exemption from health care and from electrical contributions, they would be very useful. energy, “he summarized.

They expect the government to cover at least part of the fixed costs to the extent of 10 percent of the net income foregone for the period of the ban on providing services and reimburse the costs of waiting for work in full. According to him, the limit for obtaining a subsidy to cover fixed costs from the last package is set at too high a 40% drop in annual operating income, which should be reduced to a maximum of 30%, and the fair limit would be of 20%.

The interlocutors of Frizer magazine, including Mitja Sojer of Mič Styling and Mirjana Kljaić, director of Aledana, as well as Cukjati, mainly accuse the government of supporting the black market, against which the hairdressing profession has been fighting for many years. “The black market does not offer the sufficient protection that hairdressers have, as they follow a high standard of hygiene. At this point, the government somehow supports exactly that,” they concluded.

Instead of the state engaging in dialogue with the service sector, it is now threatened with layoffs and bankruptcies. “Following the lead of foreign countries, instead of closing salons, we would ensure that services are provided safely. Above all, it is crucial that the state listen to finding solutions and providing timely assistance that would allow the service sector to survive and save it. before the collapse, “the hairdressers said.

They were rated similarly in fitness activities. “We want decision makers to realize the importance of organized recreational activities to the general well-being of the population and to help us survive this period. We call for the sector to be considered as soon as possible when the measures are released. fitness centers and recreational gyms can maintain a safe distance and level of hygiene to prevent infections, “they said.

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