Spain announces the priority list for the vaccine


Covid. Spanish Health Minister Salvador Illa has revealed the 15 priority groups of people for vaccination against Covid-19.

Very early this morning, Salvador Illa held a press conference to specify which individuals will be vaccinated first. Last Tuesday the minister had already announced the first 3 groups. These were the medical personnel, the residents of retirement homes and the staff around them. For these people, considered at risk, the vaccination plan will start in January 2021 and will extend until March.

Covid Spain: priority for vaccination

Today Illa has clarified the second part of the plan, which will start in March and end in June. The people concerned will be: the population over 60, people suffering from chronic diseases, Spaniards who work in closed spaces, citizens weakened by their socio-economic situation, “essential” workers such as teachers. Then, Salvador Illa talked about vaccinating adolescents over 16, pregnant women, people living in high-incidence areas and people who are naturally immune after being contaminated with the virus.

The minister explains that the vaccination order between these different groups of individuals has not yet been established. It will be “flexible” from the month of March during which the doses will be higher. Finally, the minister specified that in the summer of 2021 the Covid-19 vaccination will be massive.

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