Sony WH-1000XM4, are the $ 400 headphones worth?


I am using the Sony WH-1000XM4 and I can tell you all the advantages and shortcomings of these nearly 400 euro / dollar headphones that Sony sells. Inside the commercial headphones these WH-1000XM4 they are very popular and also quite expensive. You’ve probably ever wondered if it’s worth paying this amount to listen to music. Today you could get out of doubts! Or that they fit you more … who knows!

Comfortable, light and very resistant

The first thing you will find out if you buy these headphones is that they are light, comfortable and resistant enough to the passage of time. They are made of high quality plastic and have considerable flexibility. with one hand you can take them off, leave them on the table and even cure some ailment without fear of being fictional or deteriorating. Not what I recommend with the 400 euro / dollar headphones, but be aware that they are not a collector’s item that you should carry with gloves.

All the structure of the headphones is incredibly good: it is not a “glossy” plastic. Your headband has a system for making headphones smaller or larger. With this subject having a sizable head, only a couple of stitches are needed on each side so that perfect fit, so if you have a big head you can use them without any problems.

The body of each horn is large and fits the entire ear perfectly. This is included in its entirety within the body of the horn, so the sponges do not put pressure on the cartilage or soft parts. This is the key to being able to spend hours wearing headphones without pain or fatigue. It goes without saying that these synthetic leather coated sponges are extremely comfortable.

The the adjustment of the headphones on the head and ears is total, as it has several areas of movement that allow you to fit each part correctly. This means that the headphones fit your head and ears and not the other way around. If it were the other way around, you would soon notice tiredness and some discomfort.

These Sony WH-1000XM4 They do not try to be headphones with the best materials (wood, metal, steel …), but the absolute comfort of the wearer and who will probably spend many hours a day with them.

Haven’t I already said? If you listen to music for half an hour on your way to work or prepare food, these headphones are not for you. Its design is designed so that you can spend hours and hours with them without realizing it. This is an essential part of premium headphones.

Wireless, noise cancellation and great audio

Sure, some headphones Even 400 euros / dollars should sound good. Maybe if you’re an audiophile you’re tearing your hair out of supporting a Bluetooth, noise-canceling headset. Technology has reached a point where cables make little sense and with these types of products even less.

The WH-1000XM4 are not just wirelessrather, they are very good at being wireless. They have specific technologies and unique processors to improve audio transmission between the device and the headphones. This results in the highest possible quality, very slight loss of quality and a very stable connection. In all the time I’ve used these XM4s I haven’t had Not a single cut or slowdown in audio.

But this is not the best sony headphones. If they cost as much as they cost and are so popular, it’s because of their noise cancellation. I can’t say it’s much better than the WH-1000XM3, because I’d be lying. These have same QNC chip, so Sony hasn’t improved the main part of the noise cancellation. According to them yes, it’s a little better, but I haven’t been able to verify this directly.

However, the fact that it doesn’t improve incredibly isn’t a problem. Sony has the best noise cancellation on the market and offers it in these WH-1000XM4. It’s putting the headphones on, turning them on, and moving to another space. It doesn’t matter in the situation you are in, they conform. You don’t have to play music to realize the external noise fades into the background. If you play music, even at very low volume, external noise starts to be non-existent.

This makes them perfect for travel, public transport or office. If you play music with these headphones, rest assured that you will only listen to the music. If someone is talking to you or there’s a noise outside you don’t need to worry about them.

This active noise cancellation is accompanied by very good sound that will be comfortable for most users. These Sony’s feature two 40mm driver units that deliver incredible audio quality. If you’re coming from headphones for less than 100 euros / dollars you will notice that you are facing another level of audio.

The bass is powerful, the middle notes are present with a incredible clarity and the high notes never shine. Not only are they comfortable thanks to their exterior design, they also have one perfect sound to spend hours and hours listening to music.

In addition, the noise cancellation makes the the music tells a different touch if you come from a very noisy environment. Having good audio quality and hearing background sound is not the same as having an almost soundless background.

It’s hard to describe how good these headphones sound, but we can tell not all the budget is included in sound quality. This means there are 400 euro / dollar headphones on top of these Sony WH-1000XM4. Of course, they lack wireless connection, noise cancellation, have a more austere design, and focus on offering flat sound quality for other audiences.

So are these WH-1000XM4s worth buying?

If you are wondering if buy headphones for 400 euros / dollars it means that you take music very seriously in your daily life. Importantly, these headphones aren’t the best if you want to be a DJ or make music. It’s a different industry that has its options without all the marketing and convenience we’ve told you about.

If you want headphones with which spend several hours a day These are a good option, although you should be wondering how much you are paying in the 400 euros / dollars they cost. Not everything in these headphones is of audio quality, there is also quality wireless connection, noise cancellation and its design.

This means that you can have the same quality or higher quality if you want to have a wired headset, without such a comfortable design and without noise cancellation. If you work from home and don’t usually listen to music outside they may not be the best headphones.

If you will spend most of your time listening to music at home, I recommend that you look for other options without noise cancellation, because you will get a better sound quality and a lower price.

I recommend these headphones to a person who spends their entire working day wearing the headphones and does noisy or traveling environments. The WH-1000XM4s are not only a tool for listening to high quality music, they also allow you to focus on what you are doing while listening to that music.

However, 380 euros / dollars is a lot of money and there are cheaper options on the market, even in the catalog of Sony. If you are thinking of buying them, I recommend that you wait for their price to drop, which will happen shortly. Buying these WH-1000XM4s for less than 300 euros / dollars is a much more recommended option. Yup, only if music or audio is an important part of your life. It is not worth buying them to listen to music from time to time.

In summary, you should consider buying the WH-1000XM4 if you are a user who spends many hours with headphones, works or is usually in noisy environments and wants a absolute comfort for as long as you have them.

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