Sony could launch a budget version of the PlayStation 5 in 2021


With that version, the Japanese manufacturer would try to solve the shortage problem and meet the demand for its recently launched PS5, which in some countries is out of stock and has caused its prices to skyrocket.

Japanese company Sony may launch a cheaper version of the PlayStation 5 next year. The news was released last week by a renowned Chinese blogger expert in digital technology, reports the Sina portal.

According to the source, the new console for now is called PS5 Lite and its sale is scheduled for the second half of 2021. With this version, the Japanese manufacturer would try to solve the shortage problem and meet the demand for its PS5 launched by recent. , which in some countries is out of stock and has skyrocketed its prices. The company’s production capacity has been insufficient and has been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, media say.

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The technical specifications of this new version have not been disclosed, but it is assumed that its performance and size will be reduced. It should be noted that the company has previously released “lite” versions of its video game consoles, making the same thing more likely with the PS5. However, Sony has not officially ruled on the matter so far.

The PS5 hit stores in the US and many other countries on November 12 in two versions: a standard one with a disc player, which costs $ 499, and a fully digital, which is priced at $ 399.

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