Yesterday a "cryptocurrency auction and blockchain artist @cryptograffiti" was organized for a piece titled "black Swan, "That the artist has made using fiat and counterfeit detector ink pen. "The artist, who was involved with bitcoin in 2013, held the auction on a website where users could bid only through Micropayments Lightning Network, with the first person making a & # 39; offer the smallest amount is the winner.
Cryptograffiti e Bitcoin Magazine I would like to take this opportunity to announce the winner of the auction. Congratulations Twitter user @BTC_Spot!
The winning price was the first of some offers from 1 millisatoshi (one hundred billion a bitcoin). At the time of writing this document, the US dollar value of the offer is about $ 0.000000037.
The auction marks a significant event for the use of Lightning in the Bitcoin community. It also served as a learning lesson for those who participated.
"Many others did not know that sub-satoshi payments were possible through LN," said the artist Bitcoin Magazine.
Completely completed, the auction attracted 77 offers for a total of 182,252 satoshi (0.00182252 BTC). Cryptograffiti pointed out that 14 bidders connected to his Lightning node the day before the auction after he sent a Tweet mention of the event.
L & # 39; inspiration
As explained in a Twitter wire, Cryptograffiti has created "black swan" for two reasons. The first, to tease the mainstream media on the less relevant aspects of Bitcoin as its price, instead of the innovative technology that is being built. The title itself is an apparently joking nod to the theory of black swan events, an event that is unexpected but has paradigmatic ramifications.
He also created the piece to help spread awareness on the Lightning network.
"The promise of micropayments has been instrumental in my becoming an artist in space," he says. He continues to explain that it was in 2012 when he recognized for the first time the impact micropayments could have for artists. He also started to tie wallets for the public to his street art in 2013 as a way to give advice.
The set up
By his own admission, the artist was not technically expert in setting up the payment processor. He contacted the Twitter user @notgrubles, which he claims was a crucial player in getting the auction off the ground.
With the help of @notgrubles, the artist chose c-lightning, an implementation that conforms to the Lightning Network protocol standard and, using this, set nanotips. Nanotip is a web server based on Lightning Charge, a software package designed by Blockstream that simplifies the creation of apps on Lightning.
"In addition to nanotip / Lightning Charge, I purchased a CasaHODL node, configured BTCPayServer with Zap and integrated Globee for merch payments," added the artist.
"As a non-programmer, I do not yet have a solid understanding of everything, but I know more than before to create a black swan and I'm excited to see big steps forward in UX!"
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