Sofia greets Ericeira’s house


At the twelfth gala of «Great Brother – The Revolution », André Abrantes, Joana, Sofia and Pedro were in danger of being expelled and it was the flight attendant who saw her leave dictated by the game.

After this gala the votes are positive so Joana was the first to breathe a sigh of relief and was saved with 35% of the votes, ecstatic by the news and saying: «I hoped that one day I would be saved soon At the beginning. The votes were reopened and André was subsequently saved with 41% of the votes, leaving Lisbon face to face with Pedro where he lost getting only 13% of the votes against the illusionist’s 46%.

Despite being considered a plant, it remained in the game for 77 days. With his departure, the cat and mouse dynamics of the flight attendant and the illusionist end.

Who will be the winner of «Great Brother – The revolution”?

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