So you can find out who added your number on WhatsApp


24 November 2020 19:58













El Tiempo Newspaper from Colombia

Whatsapp is a tool used by thousands of people around the world. However, unlike others social networks where we can see who added us and who we added, it cannot be done here, unless you follow the steps we will give you below.

To know who has added your number There is no need to download third-party applications or programs, or perform operations outside of your own application.

The first thing to do if you have a mobile Android, is to press the three dots located in the upper right part of yours Whatsapp.

There, look in the list that shows the option of New diffusion and let it create. There will be a list from contacts, these are the people who added it to WhatsApp.

On the other hand, if you have a i phone, just open the application and press transmission list located at the top left of the screen, just above the chats. The steps to follow are the same, create a broadcast list and there you can see the users who have their number added.

This way you will be able to know if people you haven’t had contact with for a long time have added it or if you need to add the number of a friend or relative that you forgot to save in their contacts.


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