So you can export your photos from Google Photos in less than 1 minute | Technology


Your free Google Photos storage has run out. Now, for those of us who have more than 15GB of photos, we have to pay $ 1.99 to get 100GB and keep storing our snapshots in Google Photos.

If we don’t want to pay, there are other methods like exporting our photos from Google Photos to another cloud service, saving them all on our computer or using an external hard drive.

The export process is quick, easy, and risk-free when switching from one service to another. Obviously we recommend it Before we start exporting photos from Google Photos, let’s make sure the backup is complete.

The backup is always done automatically via WiFi, and usually it is an immediate transfer. That is, if we take a photo with our mobile phone and we have WiFi activated, in a few seconds it will be in our Google Photos gallery.

After changing the Google Photos storage policy, many of us have had doubts, but if we follow these simple steps we will not lose any photos:

  • We need to enter the Google Takeout website and leave only the boxes of the information we want to export checked. In this case we have left only Google Photos.
  • Let’s scroll down and click “Next step”.
  • Now we have to choose the periodicity of the export, either all at once, or that it is automatically exported every 6 months.
  • We choose the type and weight of the file.
  • Let’s click “Create export” and the file (s) begin to prepare.
  • After a few minutes the file is ready and we have finished the export process.

Don’t panic! You can still recover the photos you deleted from your mobile. We show you step by step how to restore deleted photos from your smartphone in 2019.

It remains only to save those photos to another cloud service, to an external hard drive, to a NAS server or leave them on our computer. In particular The photos will remain in Google Photos and we can continue to see them from the mobile application or the web version.

What we have done is a backup which is now being downloaded to our devices.

What will happen to the photos we have in Google Photos when June 21, 2021 arrives?

The first and most important thing is to know Google will NOT delete them. The company will continue to offer 15GB of photo storage. If we have more than 15GB of photos and videos in the Google Photos cloud, we won’t be able to upload any more files until we update our account.

From the moment you wake up until you go to bed, it probably won’t be 15 minutes without you using a Google product or service. While it may be hard to believe, Google controls your life.

Google offers through Google One different subscription plans up to 100GB, 200GB, 1TB and up to 30TB. Prices vary from 1.99 euros per month and with this allows us to have a shared space between Google Photos, Drive and Gmail of that capacity that we assume.

You have to decide if you need to pay for this service or switch to other cloud or local services like a NAS. There are many alternatives to avoid this payment and at we have put them all on the table so that you can decide wisely.

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