Smoking gradually drains the entire reserve of vitamins in the body. Dr. Indrani Kalkan explained


Evaluating the effects of smoking on the body and nutritional status, Dr. Lecturer Member Indrani Kalkan said, “Like the coronavirus, cigarettes affect our sense of taste, smell and appetite. Studies have shown that the nicotine in cigarettes can morphologically alter the taste buds, “he warned. “Smoking causes the body’s stores of antioxidant vitamins (like C and E) to drain,” Kalkan said.

According to DHA news, the head of the nutrition and dietetics department of Istanbul Aydın University (IAU), Dr. Indrani Kalkan talked about the effects of smoking on nutritional status and how the sense of taste returns when you stop smoking. Shield, “There are taste buds in our mouth, on our tongue; It perceives different tastes, some sweet and some salty or sour, and transmits them to the appetite center of our brain. It affects our sense of taste and smell, appetite. Studies have shown that the nicotine in cigarettes causes these taste buds to change morphologically. It was observed that there was no decrease in the number of buds, but the soft structure of the taste buds was flattened and the capillaries feeding the taste buds were also negatively affected. Therefore, the sense of taste is negatively affected “ She said.

Dr. Kalkan, “It has been established that nicotine leaves the body (blood and urine samples) after 3-4 days when you quit smoking. As the taste buds also renew themselves, most of the sense of taste returns, but some studies claim that the sense of taste does not return to 100 percent. He added.


Dr. Kalkan made the following statements regarding the effects of smoking on appetite. Kalkan said in a statement: “Smoking, or rather nicotine, negatively affects appetite; it does this with different mechanisms (homeostatic and hedonic). It suppresses the brain’s appetite center by negatively affecting the taste buds and smell. There are special receptors / cells in the epithelial tissues of the nasopharynx and in the nasopharynx area to detect odor. The nerves emerging from these receptors join the boundaries of taste sensations and, while chewing food, smell and taste play an important role in perceiving the taste of food and reach the appetite center of our brain. Nicotine and other harmful chemicals and gases (tar, carbon monoxide, lead, arsenic, hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde, etc.) found in cigarette smoke are known to damage these embedded tissues. Therefore, their sense of smell is negatively affected. She said.

Dr. Kalkan, “In addition, long-term exposure to these chemicals also causes cancer. Mucus causes excessive secretions, the respiratory system and lungs can be damaged in the future. Because many foods cannot get the taste, people tend to eat more salty, sweet and sugary foods, convenience foods, beverages such as tea and coffee, and generally unhealthy foods. I speak


Stating that smokers have an unhealthy eating habit, Dr. Indrani shield, “The person eats less or gains weight by eating unhealthy. He is poorly fed in terms of vitamins and minerals. Diets containing sugar, salt, fat and cholesterol cause obesity and chronic disease. Smoking also has a negative effect on cholesterol. If there are no fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products in the diet, vitamins C, D and calcium are the most affected. Excessive consumption of tea and coffee along with smoking can cause iron deficiency. There is a lack of nutrient levels, as absorption and transport are also affected. In addition, smoking has a negative effect on vitamin D synthesis and receptors. he used expressions.


Kalkan, explaining how cigarettes have an effect on nutrient absorption, “The harmful oxide radicals cause vascular occlusion and negatively affect the blood circulation system and the transport of nutrients. Since nutrient intake is also negatively affected, there is a shortage of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It drains the reserves of antioxidant vitamins (such as C and E) in the body. Has harmful effects on bone tissue; the degradation and decrease of estrogen reduces the absorption of calcium and vitamin D and also has a negative effect on the formation and repair of bone tissues, such as the delay in the formation of osteocytes. I speak.


Stating that smoking is a severe addiction and quitting isn’t easy, Dr. Shield “This is an important step in the prevention of heart and lung disease. Quitting smoking has very important health effects. During the first 48-72 hours, the individual experiences withdrawal symptoms, after overcoming the desire to smoke during this period, the bronchi and lungs gradually relax by removing carbon monoxide and harmful gases, breathing becomes easier. Nicotine in the blood is removed from the body within 3-5 days. Appetite improves: As the circulatory system improves, the person becomes more energetic. A person feels happy and healthy when supported by healthy eating, sport / exercise. The person becomes fit and energetic when the levels of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants gradually return to normal. he used expressions.


By claiming that there is no single miracle food that helps quit smoking, we can achieve this by adjusting our diet a bit. Indrani Shield “There are foods that we identify with smoking and they have become a habit. If our day starts with coffee, tea and cigarettes, a herbal tea and a slice of fried bread or soup can help in the smoking cessation period. During the smoking cessation period, a hollow space may be felt in the hand and mouth. Mint gum, unsalted sunflower or pumpkin seeds, popcorn (olive oil can be dripped not butter but less salty), roasted chickpeas can be consumed. Handling and chewing vegetables such as carrots and cucumbers can help. For a sweet tooth, sweet fruits such as oranges, pears, bananas may be preferred, they are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and pulp, as well as being slightly sweet. Antioxidants and vitamin C are important because the body’s antioxidant level decreases during the smoking period “ She said

Dr. Scudo also, “There are results in some studies that suggest that the consumption of red meat, alcohol and caffeinated foods increases the taste of cigarettes; During this period, it is recommended to consume more vegetables and fish. Exercise, walking or similar activities are recommended “ he warned.



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