Simple Ways That Will Help You Treat Muscle Aches After Exercise … Get to Know Them


Muscle pain can be a possible result of strenuous exercise. The type of pain a person suffers from can range from immediate or delayed. Immediate muscle pain after exercise is known as acute muscle pain characterized by a burning sensation in the muscles, muscle pain that occurs after a delay of 24-72 hours is known Basim DOMS, Or delayed onset of muscle pain. This is characterized by the pain a person feels in their muscles after a long period and is followed by muscle stiffness, according to a site report time now news.

How to prevent muscle aches

Drink a lot of water:

One should stay hydrated regardless of the situation because it helps nourish the body at great levels. Make sure you drink enough water as dehydration can increase the risk of muscle sores as it makes it difficult to get rid of toxins from the body..

Consume Protein:

Protein is an important nutrition the body needs to build healthy muscles Include protein-rich foods in your diet to work on healthy weight gain and muscle growth. Foods rich in protein can include chicken, cheese, milk, yogurt, etc..

Consume antioxidants:

Antioxidants are known to be effective against pain because they contain anti-inflammatory properties. You can eat foods rich in antioxidants and include some as part of your diet after exercise. Some types of antioxidant-rich nuts include walnuts, turmeric, and chocolate berries..

Use of heat:

Applying heat to the affected areas can help reduce the pain caused by muscle pain.There are several ways to do the same, including some that soak the affected area in warm water with the addition of a little oil and moisten a towel or piece of cloth with warm water and placing it on the affected area and a hot shower..

Get some massages:

Massage has been found to be an effective and comfortable way to deal with muscle spasms and aches from pain. You can benefit from massage and aromatherapy as they can help you get rid of pain and have a calming effect on the body.


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