Sick of Covid for 8 months, she launches the alert


It is undoubtedly one of the first official cases of coronavirus in France. Pauline, a 23-year-old student in a work-study program near Toulouse, contracted the disease on March 13. In the newspaper The Parisian On Wednesday she confides in her the ordeal that still follows her, eight months later. Because the young woman has preserved many neurological, cardiac and otolaryngological sequelae that poison her daily life.

Great tiredness “even when lying down”, rapid heartbeat, stiffness, partial loss of taste and smell … And then all those unpleasant surprises that are still regularly revealed to her by the medical examinations that are imposed on her. “Before getting up and jumping, I walked without asking myself a question”, slips Pauline very moved. For her, so dynamic and without problems before, the hike is over for example. His study and work contract became a therapeutic intermediate time. Shopping is also difficult now.

“Young people fear nothing”, the proof

The young woman wanted to testify in the French media “to get things done”. He hopes that “dozens and dozens” of medical examinations that he has passed, to the point of having spent “more than 1,000 euros” out of his own pocket, will also be used by others. Find out more about Covid-19 and especially its consequences, which can extend over several months. A long form that has not yet been recognized. “I’m afraid of having consequences for life, of having to give up projects, of not being really me”.

And then he also sends a message to all those who keep saying that “young people are not afraid of anything”.

(The essential / Nicolas Chauty)

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