SGEPP educates its staff – GABONACTU.COM



Dr. Safiou Abdou Razack, building SGEPP Prostate Cancer Agents on November 25 in Owendo, a nearby port city of Libreville ©

The Directorate General of the Gabonese Storage Company for Petroleum Products (SGEPP), on Wednesday launched an awareness campaign on male cancers (prostate and testicular cancer) aimed at its staff called to be screened to maintain good health. health, guarantee of better productivity at work.

The action of the SGEPP is part of the “Blue November” campaign, recently launched by the Ministry of Health for the fight against male cancers. Awareness raising was organized in groups of 10 people. Technicians and administrative agents participated. It involved informing health care about the consequences of prostate cancer and the precautions to be taken to prevent this disease.

Agents 45 years of age and older are required to undergo free screening for prostate cancer, diabetes and HIV / S / DA until 30 November ©
Agents 45 years of age or older are called to be screened for free for prostate cancer, diabetes and HIV / AIDS until November 30 ©

Prostate cancer, which is an infection of the prostate (gland) that causes acute retention of urine exclusively in men, according to the specialist, is linked to the aging of this organ whose role is to strongly contribute to the production of sperm.

“This cancer can also send metastases elsewhere in other organs such as faith, bones, etc …, it kills because it will go to localize elsewhere and cause dysfunction of other organs” Dr Safiou Abdou Razack said, asking officers aged 45 and over to be screened to prevent this disease.

Screening is mainly carried out by rectal examination which allows to appreciate the size and consistency of the prostate. It can also be done by testing the prostate antigenic serological assay (PSA) in the blood. A screening that must be done every 2 years to maintain good health on the farm.

For Christiane Corouge, communication and external relations manager of SGEPP, “Men’s health here is really at the heart of our concerns. The workforce aged 45 and over is around 35%. So it is not negligible. This means that early treatment by screening for this disease preserves the health of our staff in the long term ”.

Camille Boussoughou


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