Scientific consensus – The four expert tips on Covid vaccines


A jury of 65 specialists agreed on several strategic points of the coronavirus vaccination. The FOPH will study its conclusions.

Blaise Genton, head of the Polyclinic for Tropical Medicine, Travel and Vaccinations, at Unisanté, Lausanne.

Blaise Genton, head of the polyclinic for tropical medicine, travel and vaccinations, at Unisanté, Lausanne.

ARC / Jean-Bernard Sieber

The announcement of several Covid vaccines raises great hopes. But who will benefit first? How to break down resistanceances? And who will pay? The health authorities are busy develop a deployment strategy that will be crucial in the fight against the pandemic. Unisanté, the university medical centeris general and public health, in Lausanne, invited 65 experts from all over Switzerland to come to them aHere. At the end ofa process of rIScollective flexion, cthe specialists in vaccinology, pediatrics, internal medicine or geriatrics, in particular, they have reached a consensus on several key points.

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