Scary alarm for those who have difficulty falling asleep!


Neurology specialist Prof. Dr. Geysu Karlıkaya made statements on the effect of sleep disorders on the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Stating that two different perspectives are possible when it comes to sleep disorders and Alzheimer’s disease, Prof. Dr. Karlıkaya said: “The first is the effect of sleep disturbances on the development of Alzheimer’s disease. The second is the sleep disturbances seen in Alzheimer’s patients. Starting with the first, the U-shaped relationship between sleep time and life expectancy has been known for 60 years. The risk of death in those who sleep 7 hours underlies the U At both ends of the U, there are those who sleep less than 4 hours or more than 10. These people have a greater risk of both death and mental illness such as Alzheimer’s disease. Insomnia alone also leads to a 27% increase in mental illness. Factors that represent a definite risk for Alzheimer’s disease that cannot be changed are age, female gender, family history and genetic characteristics. There are many other factors that it is believed to increase the risk of disease. Studies suggest that paying attention to these preventable factors can reduce the risk of disease by 40%. Used.


Prof. Dr. Karlıkaya continued: “As of July 2020, the preventable risk factors identified are diabetes, low level of education, head injury, poor brain use, stress, depression, inactivity, hypertension, hypertension, especially in the middle age, hearing loss, air pollution, smoking In studies of people without Alzheimer’s disease, those who have difficulty falling asleep, those who have poor quality sleep, those with excessive daytime sleepiness, and those with sleep apnea syndrome have shown that beta amyloid protein accumulated in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients is also increased.There is one study, in fact, it has been shown that a decrease in sleep time from the age of 50 increases the possibility of Alzheimer’s in later ages.

‘Sleep disturbances increase as the disease progresses’

Stating that it is possible to add sleep disturbances among the preventable risk factors of Alzheimer’s disease, Prof. Dr. Karlıkaya said: “Conversely, when the beta amyloid protein load builds up in Alzheimer’s patients, the sleep increases. This brings us to the second report. 25 percent of patients with mild-stage Alzheimer’s disease and about half of mid-stage patients suffer from sleep disturbances. As the disease progresses, sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbances in Alzheimer’s patients include excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakening or waking up early in the morning. Another condition specific to dementia patients is sunset syndrome, called increasing confusion, agitation, aggression in the evening. “Physical and mental fatigue at the end of the day, change in the biological clock, decreased need for sleep associated with advanced age a, disorientation, physical problems such as delusions and hallucinations with darkness and inexpressible pain “.

Stating that conditions like depression and restless legs syndrome that cause sleep disturbances in both healthy people and Alzheimer’s patients, Prof. Dr. Karlıkaya said: “Every night, a certain routine should be applied before bed. (eat at the same time, shower at the same time, brush your teeth at the same time, listen to music at the same time, go to bed at the same time.) Don’t take caffeine) Don’t sleep during the day, but you shouldn’t expect to take a nap in the afternoon if necessary. “Medicines that can do this should be taken first.

Professor, who made a final reminder. Dr Geysu Karlıkaya pointed out that sleeping pills can sometimes increase confusion and increase the risk of falls, and said a doctor should be consulted before using such drugs.

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