Says it all. How beneficial is vitamin D in the WAR with COVID-19. You need to know


Several studies show how beneficial vitamin D is, in fact, in the fight against COVID-19.

From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers have conducted all kinds of studies to show the benefits that certain vitamins bring in the war with COVID-19, right up to the discovery of a vaccine.

As for vitamin D, it has been shown to have incredible benefits in the body, and patients with sufficient vitamin D are less likely to have complications or die from COVID-19.

What is Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a hormone produced by the kidneys that controls calcium concentration in the blood and affects the immune system, according to a statement from the Society of Endocrinology, which brings together more than 18,000 experts from 122 countries.

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a variety of health problems, and the scientific community is still investigating why. Furthermore, more and more studies report the beneficial effect of vitamin D on the immune system, especially in terms of protection against infections.

Vitamin D treatment should be recommended for patients with COVID-19 who have low levels of this hormone in their blood, as it “may have beneficial effects on both the muscular and immune systems,” says Jose L. Hernandez. from the Spanish University of Cantabria.

Vitamin D reduces the risk of infection

A study conducted in the United States showed that a sufficient level of vitamin D reduces the rate of infection.

Vitamin D, in sufficient proportion, is linked to a low level of inflammatory markers and a high level of immune cells in the blood, according to the study conducted by the Boston University medical school. Elevated lymphocyte levels have been linked to reducing cytokine storms – releasing too much protein into the blood, too quickly – which is one of the ways coronavirus infection can kill, especially young people. In the study, blood samples were taken from 235 patients who arrived at the hospital with COVID-19. Patients were monitored clinically, including the severity of infections, if they lost consciousness, had difficulty breathing, to the point of becoming hypoxic, or if they died. In patients over the age of 40, those who had a sufficient level of vitamin D had a 51% lower risk of death than those who did not have a sufficient level of vitamin D.

Dr Michael Holick, who recently published another study, found that vitamin D can reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection by 54%. Vitamin D also helps against other viruses that affect the upper respiratory tract. He pointed out that there is severe vitamin D deficiency in children and adults in the United States and around the world, especially in the winter months, and that “it would be prudent for everyone to take vitamin D supplements.”

Low vitamin D levels increase the risk of death with COVID-19

Low levels of vitamin D in the body increase the risk of a person dying from COVID-19 after contracting the virus, according to the preliminary study, according to the Daily Mail.

The researchers compared the average levels of vitamin D in 20 European countries with COVID-19 infection rates and mortality. The result revealed a compelling correlation, so that countries with low vitamin D levels were also the countries with the highest death rates and COVID-19 infection rates.

However, scientists from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Foundation Trust and the University of East Anglia write in their study: “We believe we can recommend vitamin D supplementation to protect against SARS-CoV2 infection.”

Additionally, another study shows that vitamin D can improve a person’s chances of recovery after contracting the coronavirus.

Over 80% of patients lack vitamin D.

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism of 216 patients, more than 80 percent of patients with COVID-19 lack vitamin D. This deficiency is more common in men, according to the study.


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