Sarah Lombardi wins “Masked Singer”


Sarah Lombardi is considered chronically underrated when it comes to her singing skills. At the end of the ProSieben show “The Masked Singer”, however, he can’t even stop a “funny idiot alien” from a cowboy band.

Sarah Lombardi must have known the sensation. In 2011 she was already close to winning a musical show. She was in the final of “Germany seeks the superstar” – and failed because of her future husband Pietro Lombardi.

Now, nine years later, he is back in the final. Your opponent, however, is no one you can develop loving feelings for – he’s an incredibly large stuffed extraterrestrial with horn ears that scratches his butt over and over. This time it has to work, they think. And indeed: this time no one will get in his way.

Sarah Lombardi won the ProSieben show “The Masked Singer”. The circumstances of the final vote show that this is a special kind of musical show: one in which a blue alien can encounter an icy skeleton. Lombardi himself wore a skeleton costume for his victory on Wednesday night. Unrecognized, she sang from show to show, even with doubts. “When I wore the skeleton costume for the first time, I thought: people are afraid of me,” he admitted.

The singer is the first woman who could win the ProSieben show. Along the way, all kinds of other familiar faces were exhibited. The principle: in “The Masked Singer” celebrities in elaborate stage costumes sing. If they fly out of the show, they have to reveal their true identity.

The hell of 400-degree hot polyester

In the costume of Lombardi’s competitor, the alien, was Alec Völkel, lead singer of the cowboy band BossHoss. His cuddly extraterrestrial had turned into a crowd favorite, Sonja Zietlow (52) on the advisory team called him a “funny and dubious alien”. Völkel himself reported: “It’s about 400 degrees hot polyester hell.”

Previously, TV chef Nelson Müller (41) as a thick-legged ballet hippo, pop singer Ben Blümel (39, “Angel”) as Egyptian deity Anubis, and celebrity couple Daniela Katzenberger (34) and Lucas Cordalis (53) were in the final show. has been denounced as a nice meerkat family. Above all, Müller and the Katzenberger / Cordalis duo were no longer big surprises as their names had been floating around the voices of “Masked Singer” for weeks.

“This is an awareness that I carry with me on the show: you cannot change the Palatine dialect,” said Daniela Katzenberger. The reason: Advisory team member Bülent Ceylan (44) said during the show that he heard a familiar dialect among meerkats. Ceylan comes from Mannheim, Katzenberger from nearby Ludwigshafen. At that point the matter seemed cleared up already.

It was different with the Anubis. The character posed many puzzles, with many onlookers guessing either actor Elyas M’Barek (38) or presenter Klaas Heufer-Umlauf (37). The Anubis had presented themselves as a powerhouse, constantly drummed on their chest and sang some hard rock songs. That of all things Blümel was under the costume, which had become known under the soft pop number “Engel”, surprised many. The singer himself said succinctly: “I even did rock ‘n’ roll once, I also did rap. But I made money on pop. “

Criminally underestimated

Eventually, though, they were all overshadowed by Sarah Lombardi. The skeleton has been a favorite from the start and has been praised for its great voice. Lombardi was once discovered in “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” – but her talent as a singer is chronically underestimated. This could also be due to the fact that the Cologne native performs many other activities, for example in other shows (“Let’s Dance”) and as an influencer. Her private life with her son Alessio and Pietro Lombardi (28 years old), from whom she separated again, is also a topic again and again. Her engagement to footballer Julian Büscher, announced on Instagram, recently made headlines.

The deep desire for recognition for her musical work was felt even after receiving the “Masked Singer” trophy, which was almost as big as her. “I am so incredibly grateful that I was allowed to be on this stage,” said Sarah Lombardi. “That I was allowed to show what I can do.”

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