Samu Haber ends her crown quarantine


On Saturday (Oct 24), the Sunrise Avenue front man made it public that he tested positive for the coronavirus. He was canceled for further filming of “The Voice of Germany”, remained out of quarantine in Berlin. Friends and colleagues, as he now writes, had taken care of him. “The second day they brought me a piano. Candles and red wine on the third day.” The musician hasn’t been at all unproductive in the last few days: “I wrote and recorded three new songs because I had nothing to do”.

Speaking of music, Haber also addressed his colleagues from “The Voice” in his Instagram post, saying that teammate Rea Garvey (47) no longer needs to bring him “the promised guitar gear”. “And Mark, I’ll delete the funny, dirty photo you sent me in case my phone is hacked one day. But thanks anyway.”


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