Russian doctor reveals what not to do if infected with “Corona” virus


12:00 pm

Monday 09 November 2020


The Russian doctor, Gleb Glebov, who works at the Zubovo Infectious Disease Hospital, revealed what should not be done in the event that symptoms of infection with the “Corona” virus appear.

According to the doctor, if the senses of smell and taste disappear, do not panic! This is because most patients who show these signs have mild disease, as it is a protective function for the body (protecting the brain from the effects of Covid-19), according to “Sputnik”.

He stressed that these senses should not be artificially stimulated in the first two weeks, that is, you should not feel strong smells, such as perfume oils and inhalation of alcohol solutions, as this could exacerbate the matter.

The doctor added that it is not necessary to resort to treatments that depend on introducing different solutions into the blood at a certain concentration, as this does not work with “Covid-19”, but it can cause further damage to lung tissue and the brain, according to the “Ufacitynews” site.

And the doctor added that if infected with the “Corona” virus, the consumption of sweets should be reduced, as many doctors have noticed an increase in blood sugar after the disease, and this is probably due to damage to the vessels of the pancreatic gland, or all. ‘taking a large amount of antibiotics, which leads to inflammation. Pancreas.


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