Running or walking … what is best for weight loss and joint health?


Amr Al-Basati –

Running and walking offer unique benefits and risks, as they can both help you achieve the recommended weekly amount of exercise and improve your health.

Jogging Burns More Calories, According to “Insider Life.” Running and walking can help you burn calories, but jogging generally burns more.

For example, if you compare walking for 20 minutes and running for 20 minutes, you will burn more calories while jogging, because you spend more energy the faster you go.

the oldest

Jogging is best for burning calories and losing weight, but if you are older or at risk of injury, walking can be safer than running, as it relieves stress on your joints.

Walking and jogging can help you lose weight, but jogging might be the best option.

And a 2008 study found that people lost modest amounts of weight – about 0.1 pounds per week – by walking.

On the other hand, a 2013 study revealed that people lose far more weight while jogging than walking, examining more than 45,000 walkers and runners over a 6.2-year period and finding that men and women who weigh more in particular, they lost more weight while running than walking.

Jogging and walking are good for the heart

Both walking and jogging can improve heart health, and a 2010 review found that walking improves cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.

A large 2017 study showed that small increases in the number of steps people take daily and in the intensity of their activity reduced their risk of heart disease and other diseases such as diabetes.

And people who took more steps per day also had a smaller waist circumference, lower weight, and improved insulin levels.

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