Romania, one step away from the pandemic winter. Romanian epidemiologist: “We must prepare ourselves mentally”


Since November we have been preparing for the so-called winter pandemic. It will last, from an epidemiological point of view, until April!

What do we do as a family, as long as we don’t wear a mask at home? We find the recommendations of epidemiologists, on “What’s going on doctor?”.

During this time, the infection of the SARS-VOC-2 virus will increase. It increases due to temperatures between 4 and 10 degrees Celsius.

And for this reason, let’s take a look at infectious diseases with respiratory transmission as a whole. An infected, or possibly infected, person is the sum of all contacts they have had in the last 2 weeks. An infected person can be anyone around you!

Of all respiratory infections, the most contagious is measles, for which we have the MMR vaccine. Less contagious is SARS-COV-2. But since we do not have a vaccine yet, from November to April we are at the peak of this virus infection.

Associate Professor Emilian Popovici, Romanian Society of Epidemiology: “We are approaching what we might call a pandemic winter. It is this winter that we are going through. It would be important to mentally prepare each of us for this season. I have had discussions with patients who have reported that they have only met one person. If we meet one person. , we meet all the people they have met in the last 14 days, they can be tens or hundreds. If you don’t follow the rules, the situation will change radically “.

Therefore, any contact with a person without a mask carries a risk in the last 2 weeks. Therefore, the 3 measures – mask, distance, clean hands are mandatory. Therefore, the crowds were held back. What do we do as a family?

Associate Professor Emilian Popovici, Romanian Society of Epidemiology: “We have this false impression that a loved one cannot pass on something to us or if we love someone we cannot pass it on and we don’t! To reduce the risk in family life, we must make sure we respect each other’s health, look, I respect the measures, you respect them too to protect each other. We reach a consensus, we respect each other and we manage to have a normal family life “.

In your personal home, if a friend or extended family member arrives, be sure to open the window before and after the visit. And wear a mask!

We also have calculations: 10 minutes of wide open window, even if it’s cold outside. In these minutes the amount of air that enters is equal to the volume of the room. In just 10 minutes, we have completely new air in the room, which disperses possible viruses protected by aerosols.

Prof. Carmen Chifiriuc, PhD, Faculty of Biology: “These invisible aerosols that are there every time we speak and are not protected by the mask, sneeze, cough, will persist for a while before settling on surfaces.”

That’s why the rooms are ventilated frequently, even if it’s cold. Therefore, ventilation is an important means of protection in this pandemic winter.


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