RKI on Corona in Germany: new record for new infections


Panorama Crown in Germany

RKI reports a new record for new infections

| Reading time: 4 minutes

The Robert Koch Institute reports 23,399 new infections

The number of new coronavirus infections recorded daily in Germany reached a new record with over 23,000 cases. Meanwhile, new legislative plans should create more legal certainty for the measures. But they are controversial.

For the first time in Germany the threshold of 23,000 new infections has been exceeded: the RKI reports 23,399 new infections in one day. The number of deaths increases by 130 to a total of 11,226. An overview in graphs and numbers.

D.The number of new coronavirus infections recorded daily in Germany has reached a new record with over 23,000 cases. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Saturday morning, citing information from health authorities, 23,399 new cases of infection were recorded in one day. This surpassed the record number of 21,506 cases announced the day before.

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Overall, according to the latest data from the RKI, since the beginning of the pandemic in Germany 642.488 Infections registered. The number of coronavirus-related deaths in Germany has increased as a result 11,226 – this was 130 more than the day before. The number of those who recovered was approximately 412,000.

The reproduction number, in short R., according to Friday night’s RKI situation report in Germany to 0.9 (Previous day: 0.79). This means that ten infected people infect about nine other people on average. If the value is less than 1 for a longer period of time, the infection rate decreases. The R value represents the infection rate approximately one and a half weeks earlier. To get into a controllable position, the number of plays should be well below 1 for a long time, 0.7 or even less.

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The RKI also gives a so-called Seven days R. showing what happened 8 to 16 days ago. This value refers to a longer period of time and is therefore less subject to daily fluctuations. According to Frittag’s RKI estimates, it is at 0.99, even slightly less than 1.

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Crown in Europe

Austria most recently it had a record number of deaths from Covid 19 within 24 hours to 72. The situation is “dramatic”, said Health Minister Rudolf Anschober. Hospital admissions and intensive care have reached new highs. The recently imposed blockade measures have not yet led to a significant easing; the number of new infections was Friday 6,464 specified. There are currently no further restrictions.

In view of an enormously increasing number of new corona infections Poland The human rights commissioner has asked the Warsaw government to accept the medical assistance offered by Germany.

In Poland, the number of new daily coronavirus infections hit the 28,000 mark for the first time. Arrived within 24 hours 27,875 new cases added, most (4290) in Silesia. During the same period, 349 people died from the virus. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 7,636 deaths related to a corona infection in Poland. The country has around 38 million inhabitants. Germany has classified Poland as a risk area.

In view of the drastically increasing number of new infections, further restrictions on public life have been in force in Poland since Saturday. Cinemas, theaters and museums are closed again, as are shops in shopping centers, with the exception of grocery stores and pharmacies. All schools are switching to distance learning. The conditions are expected to apply until 29 November.

In Czech Republic The Ministry of Health registered 11,549 new infections within 24 hours. 403,497 cases of infection are thus ascertained. The country, home to 10.7 million people, has had the largest number of population deaths in Europe in the past two weeks. So far, 4,330 people have died from or with the virus. The Czech Republic also has one of the highest infection rates in Europe.

Corona in the world

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More than 47.9 Millions of people have been shown to be infected with the coronavirus. This is the result of a Reuters poll based on official data. Over 1.22 million people have died from the virus. The United States, India, Brazil, Russia, and France have the highest number of cases of infection.

The United States of America according to updated data with at least 129,606 The new corona infections set a record for the third consecutive day. This increased the total number of infections to 9.78 million, according to a Reuters poll based on official data. The number of deaths after infection increased by at least 1,219 to 236,250. The rapidity with which the virus is spreading across the country is demonstrated by the fact that only 20 of the 50 states have reported a new high. The United States is the country most affected by the pandemic in the world.

In Russia For the first time since the start of the pandemic, more than 20,000 new coronavirus infections have been registered in one day. Authorities announced in Moscow on Friday that there have been more than 1.7 million cases recorded since the start of the pandemic in the spring. Since the beginning of October there have been new highs almost every day in the largest country in the world.

For comparison: In Germany, health authorities reported over 21,500 new infections within 24 hours on Friday. In Russia, with its 144 million inhabitants, the figure was 20,580. According to official data, about 29,900 people have died so far in the country, of which more than 1.2 million are believed to have recovered. However, experts expect a large number of unreported cases among infections in Russia.


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