Ripple's XRP sees another investor in Berkeley while Blockchain research gets a multi-million dollar boost

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The Haas School of Business of the University of California, Berkeley, announced the University Blockchain Research Initiative (UBRI). This program will support and accelerate academic research, technical development and innovation in blockchain, cryptocurrency and digital payments. The best universities all over the world will collaborate on this ambitious research.

Ripple's dedication to Blockchain research

Being one of the most reliable and mature companies in the world of cryptography, Ripple is adequately qualified to work with the academic community and help drive the development of this ecosystem.

Ripple has invested in this program in order to increase innovations in digital payments, cryptocurrency, the technical development of Blockchain and academic research.

Ripple has committed over $ 50 million in funding, specific expertise and technical resources for the first wave of UBRI's university partners -17 prestigious institutions worldwide. The grant will finance the faculty, student research and other related activities throughout the Berkeley Campus. The grant will be multi-annual.

The institution now calls for proposals to those who have appropriately qualified innovations within the institution.

Research areas

The development of research and technology that will stimulate understanding and innovation disseminated in blockchain and distributed systems will be in the following areas.

  • Encryption, cryptocurrency and digital payments.
  • Blockchain and distributed systems
  • Stimulate ideas and dialogue between students, teachers, technologists and company managers on topics of common interest.

In addition to the above, they would also be free to determine their research topics and priority areas of interest.

The fund will also allow the faculty to support research and teaching by developing their curriculum, case studies, interdepartmental collaboration.

As part of UBRI, Ripple also participates in the new FinTech initiative of MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab. This would consist of a dozen companies across the financial services industry to work with groups of 116 CSAIL researchers.

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