Ripple (XRP) price close to $ 0.25; is close to the 20 and 50 day moving averages, crosses the 20 and 50 day moving averages, in a downtrend over the last 14 days


The hourly display for XRP

Last updated November 6, 2020, 01: 038 GMT

Right now, the price of XRP has dropped $ 0 (0%) from the previous hour. XRP has seen its price drop down 4 hours in the last 5, thus creating some interesting opportunities for bears. If you are a trend trader, consider that the strongest clear trend on the hourly chart exists in the 100 hour period. Price action traders may also want to note that we see a pin bar candle pattern on XRP. Given that we see an upward trend over the time frame of the 20 and 10 hour candles and that such candle patterns often denote reversals, this can be worth noting. The moving averages over the hourly timeframe suggest a decline in price, as 20, 50, 100 and 200 are all in a bearish alignment, which means that the shorter duration moving averages are lower than the longer duration averages, the which implies a stable downward trend.

Ripple Daily Price Summary

0.2458 (USD) was the day’s opening price for Ripple, resulting in the previous day when the price increased 3.32% ($ 0.0079) from the previous day. The price movement occurred on a stronger volume; in particular, yesterday’s volume increased by 32.19% compared to the previous day and by 0.35% compared to the same day the previous week. Those trading within the Top Cryptos asset class should know that Ripple was the worst performing in the class during the previous day. Ripple’s daily price chart below illustrates.


Ripple technical analysis

Moving average crossovers are always interesting, so let’s start there: Ripple broke through its 20 and 50 day moving averages yesterday. The clearest trend exists on the 14th day timeframe, which shows the price moving down during that period. Or to look at it another way, note that over the past 14 days, Ripple’s price has dropped by 8.

Heard on Twitter

On Twitter, here are the best tweets about Ripple:

  • From Neloangelo 314:

    Xrp will not go up in a dying system that is still running on fiat. Is simple. Digital things thrive in the digital age. Would you put a good wine in an unpleasant bottle or a new bottle to keep it? I always use that analogy. Glitches are moments of truth that you can see

  • From BTCKris_:

    Things I trust more than late votes for Joe Biden: 1. Count Covid’s death
    2. “I lost my Bitcoin in a boating accident”
    3. Text messages from Ledger
    4. Craig claims to be Satoshi
    5. Opinions of Roger Ver
    6. XRP is the standard
    7. Eth 2.0 will arrive overnight
    8. The earth is flat

  • From joker_xrp:

    Don’t get caught up in the show. It’s all pre-scripted. They are professionals at injecting fear. Don’t panic. Slow down and put your money in the right places. Soon your money will be more useless than it already is. Rise Like A Phoenix-Xrp #XRPCommunity #Xrp 🃏

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