Ripple (XRP) closes last hour down $ 0.00; Breaks below the average of 100 days


The hourly display for XRP

Last updated 26 October 2020, 01: 037 GMT

At the moment, the price of XRP has fallen by $ 0 (-0.31%) from the previous hour. XRP has seen its price drop down 4 hours in the last 5, thus creating some interesting opportunities for bears. Regarding the trend, note that the strongest trend exists in the 20 hour period. Moving averages over the hourly timeframe suggest a bullish price, as 20, 50, 100 and 200 are all in bullish alignment, which means that shorter durations are above longer duration averages, which implies a solid upward trend.

Ripple Daily Price Summary

0.2533 (USD) was the day’s opening price for Ripple, resulting in the previous day being the one when the price fell 1.21% ($ 0.0031) from the previous day. The change in price was accompanied by the change in volume which fell by 12.5% ​​from the previous day, but up 22.53% from last week’s Sunday. Compared to other instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Ripple ranked 4th from the previous day in terms of percentage change in price. Here is a graph of Ripple’s daily price.


Ripple technical analysis

Moving average crossovers are always interesting, so let’s start there: Ripple broke its 100-day moving average yesterday. The clearest trend exists in the 90 days timeframe, which shows the price moving down during that period. Interestingly, there is a trend in the opposite direction over the 30-day period, where the price is rising. If you are looking to trade the main trend, this could be a good opportunity to do so sell demonstrations created by the countertrend. For further context, note that the price has increased by 8 in the past 14 days.

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