Ripple has less than 48% of the default UNL validators


XRP Ledger's "psychological barrier of decentralization" has finally been broken. Ripple now performs less than 50% of the validation nodes on the list of the default unique nodes [UNL] on the XRP ledger. This, together with the elimination of the ability to pass unilaterally the decisions, now makes the Led XRP register decentralized.

The UNL is a feature of the Led XRP registry that allows you to consult a list of validators for each transaction. Each node in the network can choose its own UNL or UNL-compliant provided by Ripple.

In the course of the year, Ripple followed their roadmap to slowly decentralize the XRP ledger by adding third-party validators to the default UNL. For every two third-party validators added to the default UNL, Ripple will remove one of them.

  Validators on the default UNL | Source: Mini Validator List

Validators on default UNL | Source: Mini Validator List

The process took place over the course of the year, as per Ripple's decentralization strategy. Currently, since Ripple controls 10 of the 21 nodes on the predefined UNL, they effectively manage only 48% of the validation nodes.

Nonetheless, each node in the network can determine the UNL that wants to process its transactions, effectively enabling a measure of decentralization through choice.

The various third-party validators on the ledger include many websites, services and exchanges focused on XRP. Firstly, the recommended UNL is Bithomp, a service that provides tools to explore the Led XRP registry. Some of the other validators on the default UNL are:

  • Bitso, a Mexican cryptocurrency exchange that is part of the xRapid network
  •, a subsidy from a company known as Kompany that provides payment
  •, the former CTO company of Ripple by Stefan Tomas aimed at facilitating online micropayments
  • The Rabbit Kick Club, a community dedicated to the management of an XRP Ledger validator node
  • XRP Tip Bot, the validator for the homonymous application for the overturning of Twitter and Reddit users created by Wietse Wind
  • Telindus Cloud, a provider of cloud and telecommunications services that joined RippleNet in the last year
  • ATTokyo, a data center in Tokyo, Japan
  • Flagship Solutions Group, a service provider technology
  • Bahnhof, a Swedish internet provider
  • WorldLink US, a technology solutions company operating at the level gl obal

Represents the movement of the Led XRP register towards decentralization. In addition, there are currently 11 third-party validation nodes at the UNL, leaving only 6 to demonstrate a high degree of decentralization.

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  Anirudh VK

Anirudh VK is a full-time journalist at AMBCrypto. He has a passion for writing and an interest in the future of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. At the moment it does not possess cryptocurrencies.

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