Riot Games unveils the new trailer for League of Legends: Wild Rift


THE League of Legends: Wild Rift has already entered beta in Asia, and Riot Games took the opportunity to reveal a more colorful trailer for the game. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of League of Legends, Riot Games has announced many new projects to the community, including Wild Rift: a smartphone adaptation of the essential MOBA League of Legends.

A year later, we can finally glimpse the titanic work done by the studio. Wild Rift is now in beta in Asia and is expected to arrive in Europe very soon. To announce the arrival of the beta version, a magnificent trailer was made available yesterday on October 28 on the official Wild Rift channel on YouTube. This is the opportunity for the community to discover a new short film from Riot Games … and the quality that the game presents.

League of Legends: Wild Rift is entitled to 2 new trailers

The video, titled “You Really Got Me” and which we can see above, features the champion Jinx visiting many other characters in the game to take them to the Rift. Piltover’s “Crazy Trigger” doesn’t go there as usual and comes with a bang on Lux, Yasuo and Blitzcrank to get them out of their boredom and go on an adventure with them.

Once in Summoner’s Rift, they join the inevitable Teemo and fight an epic battle against the opposing team, formed by Malphite, Braum, Zed, Camille and Ahri. As you would expect, being a trailer produced by Riot Games, the animation is magnificent and allows you to immerse yourself in the universe and in the aesthetic of Wild Rift.

To make matters worse, the community was entitled to a second trailer on the same day, this time he focused on Wild Rift gameplay.

Will this new League of Legends game be as successful as its big brother for PC? It’s too early to know, but Riot Games has once again proven its ability to create a fantastic hype around your projects.

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