Review Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 after 2 weeks


Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

There are products that you like, that you want, but that don’t necessarily suit you. You know, a gorgeous silk dress that has a cut that doesn’t fit you or a special silver accessory, but you’re a fan of gold. Well, so it is with the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 foldable phone. Last year I tried the Galaxy Fold and liked it a bit. But not as much as I enjoyed the Z Fold 2 this year.

For Galaxy Fold I had over a month to use it. While, I have been using the Z Fold 2 for 2 weeks. Since the differences between the first model and the new model are not significant, it was enough for me to test what I like and what I don’t. Hence, this article will be subjective feedback rather than a review for an innovative product.

We’ve established since last year that foldable phones aren’t for everyone. I explained this topic to you in a dedicated video on the channel. However, in advance, I’ll repeat the idea here, if you don’t have time to devote to other materials. Phones like the Z Fold 2 are intended for users who want to have the latest technology on the market. It is aimed at those who want to be different, for them the phone is a statement and the budget is never an issue.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

If you live in rent, you have an average salary in economy and your parents still send you a package like in college, you are not the user giving money with such a phone. If you run a business maintenance bills are your last concern and when you go on an appointment the phone has to speak for you, maybe you need a 2-fold Z-fold.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

Samsung Z Fold 2 is not for me, but I know who it would be fine for

While I really like the new Samsung Fold, I don’t think it’s appropriate to buy it. Also, some things I have on the Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G are missing. It lacks water and dust resistance and the stylus that I use a lot.

The construction of the Z Fold 2 is much more solid and elegant than the original Fold phone. Samsung has paid even more attention to details, finishes, colors. Especially if you get your hands on a 2 Z-fold in the Mystic Bronze shade, you’ll understand what I’m saying. The edges slide smoothly and cover the secondary screen, and to protect the foldable screen from long-term use, the manufacturer has also added a set of gaskets to mitigate shocks when folding.

shockproof folding screen gasket

I’m still between wanting not to have a secondary screen and accepting it as is. In some situations, like for urgent calls, that’s fine. In other situations, especially those related to protection, it would be better not to exist. However, if we are strictly referring to the design, this time is the right thing to do. The view is no longer truncated, you no longer have black spaces where the content is not displayed.

When using the secondary screen of the Z Fold 2, don’t be frustrated that the icons are crowded. The edges of the phone are special, with a matte appearance that no longer collects fingerprints. Also, the fingerprint sensor is what I wanted last year, integrated into a button, like we have on the Galaxy Z Flip.

sensor with crease 2

As for the foldable screen of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

I find it much brighter. Furthermore, it seems that its folding is done to the end, which makes the central strip too little noticeable. Especially if you are in bed at night and watching TV series on the phone, you will not notice the folding seat. And if you read books online, even the strip in the center of the screen.

The content display ratio still does not differ from that of a standard smartphone. You still have the black borders up and down, and I don’t think it will change too soon. We have to keep in mind that the manufacturer has brought screen folding technology to the market and the content developers have to adapt the content.

What you can do to get rid of the black borders is to provide the full content. You can do this on both Netflix and YouTube. However, this decision will cut off some of the content and it’s a compromise you make. But what I can guarantee is that the serial display is all you could possibly want.

If you like watching movies on your phone, a Z Fold 2 will definitely win you over. The video quality is extremely good, but the sound is not inferior either. You have two very loud speakers from AKG and often you won’t use the volume at 100%.

fold z sound 2

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2, instead of a smartphone, plus a tablet

If you use a tablet for work or entertainment, the Z Fold 2 can replace it. Therefore, it will also replace the smartphone. This is because, unlike any other phone on the market, foldable devices can also be real tablets.

Obviously it cannot replace a tablet over 10 inches. But even so, the space available for multi-tasking is generous enough.

If I were a manager of a company, I would personally use the Z Fold 2. I would give up the tablet, give up the conventional smartphone and adopt a tablet. So, I would no longer bring both my phone and my tablet, to have something to take care of.

Someone will probably say that the tablet has a generous battery, often 8000mAh and up. Well, it’s true that it’s much larger and offers better battery life than the Z Fold 2’s 4500mAh battery. But let’s get back to the small trade-offs you want to make for portability, weight, and extra care.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

The Z Fold 2 has a pretty good range

In the 10 days of testing I charged the phone 3 times. I only used wireless charging, I forgot since I didn’t charge a phone when connected. I’ve watched series on Netflix, but also YouTube content. I’ve been on social media platforms and haven’t charged my phone in over 2 days yet. Obviously the energy consumption depends on the style of use of each person.

If you watch the series from morning to night or play games, it is clear that the battery will drain very quickly. The screen consumes more power, so the battery will drain much faster.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 camera

Since the pandemic context limits our exits from the house a bit, I couldn’t test the rooms too much. I took some photos around the house, in different light conditions. If you’re good at photography, you’ll definitely get good results with the Z Fold 2 camera. But don’t expect the clouds to break.

camera Z-fold 2

The Z Fold 2 camera is the same as the Note20, should you have to try or use it. Either way, I think it’s very important how much you put on a phone’s camera, because you might think it’s the right thing to do. In a normal month, with no restrictions, I take over 1000 photos. I am not a professional photographer, but I attach great importance to memories. And even if I don’t post photos on social media, I assure you that I have thousands stored on my NAS.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

The 4: 3 format I don’t really see in what scenarios you could use it at the moment. That’s why it’s often good to set 16: 9 before shooting anything. If you use your phone’s camera with the device folded, you don’t need to worry.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

An ideal phone for multi-tasking

For working from home, it is ideal to work from such a phone. The keyboard is much larger, which helps you type much faster. You can open multiple applications at the same time, which helps you be more productive.

For example, if you have received an email and you need to create a collaboration proposal on it, you keep it open in the center of the screen, and develop the proposal on the other, especially when working from the chair or bed.

As I said before, an S Pen is missing. What you find on both the Note20 Ultra 5G and a Tab S7 tablet. So, from this point of view, each user must analyze whether we are talking about a minus sign or a minus sign. Maybe next year we will see a Fold with an S Pen. Especially since we hear rumors that the Note series will be combined with the S series and the Fold will also receive the S Pen. But we will live and see.

In general, these are my impressions of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2. If you have any questions, feel free to write me in the comments.

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