Research has shown that the vitamin and an acid help older people not get the infection


A recent study showed that regular intake of vitamin D and Omega-3 acids strengthens the immune system in older people to the point that it can help them avoid contracting the coronavirus.

Source: Tanjug

Illustration / Photo: Depositphotos / devteev

Illustration / Photo: Depositphotos / devteev

Both supplements are important for good health and can be found in fish oil.

A study of more than 2,000 retirees shows that taking these supplements significantly reduces the risk of coronavirus infection and, if the disease occurs, they have a better chance of recovery, reports the Daily Mail.

Professor Heike Bischoff-Ferrari of the University of Zurich in Switzerland, who led the study, said that taking these supplements is of great importance for older people.

“Our research shows that vitamin D and Omega-3 acids in older people over the age of 70, who lead an active lifestyle and do not have concomitant diseases, do not have excessive benefits when it comes to bones, memory and motor functions. However, we believe it has an effect on infections, such as kovid 19, “he said.

2,157 healthy men and women over the age of 70 were examined and 11% of them were found to have greater resistance to infections.

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