Reinaldo Rueda may not continue to lead Chile, the press says


The atmosphere in “La Roja” seems gloomy. For Rueda, the 2-1 defeat to Venezuela was “a negative result that we didn’t expect it for how the team was coming“.

“But that’s how the game goes and Chile was not found from the first minute,” he added, commenting for long periods of time Chile did not run a “collective or coherent game”.

Rueda was questioned about a possible exit from office and admitted that there is always the possibility when he loses: “All lost games will run this risk“He just said. However, he also stated that he hopes to continue in the position: “It is a qualifying that was difficult and we hope to be able to rethink it for next year“.

Bad precedent for Rueda after the defeat

The Chilean media did not like that Caleño was so thrifty in his statements and they pointed this out. “La Roja and Rueda are crying out for a historic coup from Venezuela,” La Tercera said, stressing that it was “a very short press conference, which didn’t even last five minutes“.

That medium also reminded that “he was never forgiven for not beating the llaneros in a World Cup trial“:

“The only coach who drew with Venezuela in Venezuela in 1996 was sacked. The only manager who lost to Venezuela in qualifying, even in 2001. To say that Reinaldo Rueda will face the same fate as Xabier Azkargorta or Pedro García today seems hasty. But the data are there ”, writes La Tercera.

“There was a lot to say, but there were only four questions that were asked to Reinaldo Rueda in the press conference”, underlined the Emol news program, after the headline that “Chile has given Caracas pain“.

Chilean fans are calling for the exit from Rueda

Radio Bio Bio described the defeat as a “party to forget” and echoed several visceral criticisms from Chilean fans, who called for his sacking or resignation with the hashtag #FueraRueda.


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