Real Madrid | Casemiro: “We want to be first, it depends on us”


Casemiro, who travels on call to face Inter after overcoming the coronavirus infection, has released an interview to the official UEFA media. The Brazilian talks about Ramos’ importance in the team, Zidane’s work, what the Champions League means for Real Madrid and his experience playing three finals and scoring in one of them.

Photo of Casemiro

Victory against Inter in the previous match. “We knew it was not going to be an easy match but mentally we were very strong and focused on winning. And then Rodrygo confirmed it with a goal. The mental work and concentration we maintained throughout the match were very important. We are aware of that. . that there is still a long way to go, but that victory was very important. We want to be first, there is still a chance and it depends on us. We have already played a great match against Inter, so we can only grow in this competition. We know it is a difficult group. Shakhtar have high quality Brazilian players. Borussia are doing very well in Germany, with a manager who has very clear ideas. And Inter are a great team, with a strong tradition and a coach who is very clear on how he sees the game. “

Without Ramos. Sergio is a leader in the locker room and on the pitch. It is a pleasure to share all these years with him. What he is doing now is writing his name in the club’s history books. He is a player who never gives up, who always wants to fight and always wants to win. He pushes the team forward, he is a leader and a role model for us. The other day he scored his 100th goal for Real Madrid and we have to congratulate him, but for those of us who are with him every day It’s no surprise given his path, his pace of work, how much he cares of himself and of the person he is. Scoring many important goals in the difficult situations we have faced is the key to everything. This is his personality. He is 34 years old. and still wants to improve, learn and work hard “.

“Ramos is the leader in the locker room and on the pitch”

Casemiro, Real Madrid player.

The Champions.- “It’s special. The week before a match is completely different at this club. Every match is important, but before a Champions League match the atmosphere changes. No wonder Real Madrid have won so many trophies. . We all breathe the Champions here and we all live to win it. “

Football behind closed doors. “It’s really strange, especially because you end up losing the fans, which is the beauty of football. But I’m sure the Real Madrid fans are watching their team and supporting them from home. We know the situation is not good for them. fans return to stadiums and it has to happen gradually because COVID-19 is a complex situation and we have to take care of ourselves. We are sad, but we understand that football, unfortunately, is played like this now. We have adapted a little, but yes We could choose, of course, we want the fans, which is very important to us. “

“Zidane’s merits as a player and manager will be remembered in 20 or 30 years”

Relationship with Zidane. – “It is very easy to talk about Zidane. As a player, he has always been my idol, because he played in midfield. His qualities are different from mine, but I appreciate his style. And as a manager we are not aware of what he really did. . Zidane and what he is doing to Real Madrid’s advantage. Very few coaches have been able to do what he has achieved so far, especially his successes in the Champions League. And we must not forget that last season we still won the championship and the Super Cup from the Spain. I have to enjoy those moments with him and learn every day. His merits as a player and as a manager will be remembered in 20 or 30 years because what he is doing now will stand the test of time. It will be talked about when the history of Real is mentioned. Madrid “.

His position on the pitch. “I always say that a footballer, whatever his age, will learn something new every day, even if it’s small details. The role of defensive midfielder was quite common in the past, especially in Brazil. We had a lot of those players, like Mauro Silva, Gilberto Silva, Dunga … They felt comfortable playing that role, the “number 5” as they say in Brazil, it ceased to exist later, but is now coming back because the line-up itself has changed. Today we’re back to the old line-up, with the full-backs climbing very high and then backing away. And obviously the defensive midfielder plays a huge role in that because he provides balance, he has to be attentive to the other players and fill in any gaps they may leave behind. The midfielder. defensive is at the center of everything and the midfield is essential for a team. “

Real Madrid shield / flag

Champions League

* Data updated to November 24, 2020

Play three Champions League finals. “It’s indescribable. You have to live it to know how you feel when you play a Champions League final and more with Real Madrid. You have to live it because it’s so special, so exciting, that all kinds of things surprise you. The unshakable desire to win, the fans … You have trouble eating because your nerves get in your stomach. It’s the Champions League and you play for Real Madrid. For me it’s a dream come true to have won so many European Cups. “

Score in a Champions League final. “I swear I never imagined that I would play a Champions League final let alone score. I like doing the dirty work and not being in the spotlight because I am such a person. I never imagined that I would score in the final and when the “I did against Juventus I didn’t. I knew what to do. I started running, I spread my arms and fell to my knees. But honestly, I didn’t know what I was doing. When my classmates came to hug me I looked at the sky thanking God that I was living a dream.

Casemiro’s goal at Juventus in the final of the Twelfth in Cardiff.

His goals are important for Real Madrid. “I don’t like to stand out. All players want to score, but if I have to do the dirty work and Benzema, Vinicius Jr. or Hazard score, I would be very happy for them. Sergio Ramos also has this ability, which amazes me every day and every game ., to appear in the final and grow. My goal is to do that dirty job well. Steal the ball from a player in a dangerous play. This is what I enjoy and what I like to do on the pitch. “

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