Rafila: “What is the duration of the new coronavirus?” Details that have NOT been talked about


On Monday evening, Professor Alexandru Rafila made important clarifications on the new coronavirus.

When asked whether the duration of action and the intensity of the novel coronavirus decrease over time, Professor Alexandru Rafila replied that “Yes, but the virus should make three quarters of the world’s population sick.”

“If three quarters of the world population falls ill in a short time, this will obviously lead to an overtaking of health systems and many deaths,” added Rafila.

Rafila: It is possible to lose intensity

Alexandru Rafila also revealed that it is possible for the novel coronavirus to lose intensity.

“This type of virus has some relatives you know. There are four coronaviruses that cause the common cold. Perhaps, in time, the new coronavirus will become a common virus, producing viruses, with no high mortality or complications. But at the moment, when the vast majority of the population does not have immunity to this virus, it produces severe infections. And the more widespread it is, the less likely it is that its pathogenicity will decrease. “, Alexandru Rafila also said on TV România.

Professor Rafila also stated that “there is no natural immunity, there are individuals who create light forms and others create intense forms. This is more about the genetic profile of people.


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