Question to the people of Orleans: for or against the mandatory Covid vaccine?


The issue is already dividing the political class and the French one, as shown by those we interviewed this Friday, November 20 in Orléans: Will the anti-Covid vaccine have to be made mandatory once it leaves the laboratories?

Here arise the – legitimate – issues of a lack of perspective regarding the potential undesirable effects behind the injection and a violation of individual freedoms. A recent survey Odoxa-Dentsu consultation for Le Figaro is Franceinfo further emphasizes it: one in two French today refuses to submit to the “dictates” of compulsory vaccination.

According to the most optimistic forecasts – perhaps even the least attentive as regards their effectiveness and negative effects -, the first anti-Covid vaccines could arrive in France between spring and autumn 2021. With the “remedy” the question of whether or not it should be made mandatory.


A recent poll could reveal that one in two French people would have respected the injunction, it was difficult to find him in Orléans on Friday.
Maybe it’s Laura, brave, but not reckless: “I’d like to get vaccinated, yes, but Ideally I would wait a year or two to see how it worked with the others. “

The fifty-year-old Bruno would go to get vaccinated without a smile, he, if it became mandatory: “A vaccine would necessarily be a big step forward. Yes, I would go get bitten without asking too many questions. “The commercial director would then have in mind” that the vaccines have almost allowed us to beat measles or chickenpox. Why should we doubt that? ”He asks, without even falling into naivety. “He may not be on point immediatelyt, but if this is the price to pay to finally find a normal life again … We will not be able to live like this indefinitely, with so few social ties. ”

Further down the sunny street, Catherine says herself “for” her obligatory nature, but not for everyone: “It should be. only for the elderly and at risk “.

Jean-Yves is even more radical: “We shouldn’t leave the choice to the people, they are too undisciplined. If necessary, I would submit to the vaccine, “he swears.

A reader’s proposal to reconcile health and freedom during the Covid period


Of course, almost imperceptible, what Muriel has the reflex to do remains
a leap back, when asked what his position on the question is, from the place du Martroi. “Nobody will ever force this vaccine on me. We won’t have hindsight about its side effects.

“I still prefer to be glued to me
in prison !”


Beyond the potential negative effects, it is above all his individual freedom to be vaccinated or not that the official proposes.

If the French were deprived of every choice, the host Nadine would not be unduly offended, even if she refused the anti-Covid vaccine: “I’m not afraid of the virus, I apply barrier gestures and do not put myself in danger, but I would be afraid for my health if I were to be inoculated with a poorly studied product “.

In the streets of Orléans, this Friday 20 November, the detractors of the mandatory vaccine seem to have won by far in numbers. We almost meet “against”, including Laurence. “Yes, I think that ethically we cannot impose medical treatment on the population. Much less with the great lack of perspective we will have on the vaccine, which risks arriving too quickly.”

Manu is paradoxical or just French (?), The question arises: “If we made the vaccine mandatory tomorrow, in principle, I would refuse it. But if I have the choice, maybe I’ll go and shoot. ”

“The French are desperate, se navre Victor. The vaccine is imposed on them, they kick stretchers, they are given free will, they rush to the centers where they can be vaccinated, before denouncing the lack of vaccines, as they did with the masks, and a disastrous management
of the government “.

David Creff


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