Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 scores impressive on Antutu


We all know Qualcomm will announce next month some of its new chips which are expected to equip many smartphones that will hit the market during the year 2021. The most anticipated of these chips is the Snapdragon 875, what will be a SOC that will equip the main top of the range next year.

Now, new information explains the passage of this new SOC through the platform Antutuand that your score is at least impressive. As far as it is progressing, it has scored more than 740 thousand points on the Benchmark platform. By way of comparison, the Snapdragon 865 averages around 600,000 points on the same platform, which means that the Snapdragon 875 has around 23% more performance than its predecessor.

Qualcomm smartphone

Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 scores more than 740,000 points on Antutu

For now that’s all the information we have about this new Qualcomm SOC, but if the information is confirmed, then we are facing a very significant leap, since in addition to the performance increase which is very large, we cannot forget that it will consume less energy, we will soon have more performance with less power consumption, and this is impressive.

Qualcomm has already indicated that it will present its new products at the Tech Summit 2020, which will take place next December.

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