PSVR on PS5 is both a blessing and a curse


PSVR games work on PS5.  Suffice it to find out what exactly that means.
PSVR games work on PS5. Suffice it to find out what exactly that means.

With the release of PlayStation 5, Sony not only supports PlayStation 4 but PlayStation VR games as well. Downward compatibility may provide technical improvements for some games. However, this only applies to VR in a single case. But that’s exactly what VR might look like on PS5.

Do you want to connect PSVR to PS5? For this you not only need all the accessories of the PS4 but also a new adapter. In a step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to order it for free and what else you need to consider when installing:

PSVR setup on PS5: set it up correctly and how to avoid errors


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PSVR setup on PS5: set it up correctly and how to avoid errors

Note for the following article: Due to the current home office situation, I was unfortunately unable to test the PSVR headphones on a PS4 Pro. The following comparisons and screenshots are therefore based solely on impressions between the standard PS4 and the PS5.

Compatibility with previous versions of PSVR – shorter load times and nothing else

If you want to use PSVR on PS5, it only works via the backwards compatibility of the new console. Sony itself describes the device as “legacy hardware” and will therefore no longer release any significant updates for it. In the test, I could only distinguish one improvement that each game consistently had: shorter loading times.

If you install games on the internal SSD, you will benefit from the speed of the most powerful hardware. Especially in VR, this guarantees a significantly better loading time than Marvel’s Iron Man VR at best. But loading times in VR games are also much more pleasant on PlayStation 5.

I have personally tried some of the following times, for others I use UploadVR times as a basis. Furthermore, the measured loading time is always a menu change to a level of the respective game.

Also eliminated the last stammering: More recently there have been some VR games on the standard PS4 that have struggled with varying frame rates for some items or some jerks. Each game works in its best possible form on PS5, and titles like No Man’s Sky or Iron Man VR can do without the stutter of the standard PS4.

Otherwise no improvement? In fact, VR games don’t automatically benefit from PS5’s Game Boost. This is because the titles almost never used technical adjustments, such as dynamic resolutions or models with different details. PSVR was more aimed at achieving a minimum of 60 stable FPS at all times, so the technical specifications were set.

Smooth frame rates are always a way for developers to avoid motion sickness. What you can do about it, you can read here:

VR nausea: how to deal with motion sickness


more on the subject

VR nausea: how to deal with motion sickness

Blood & Truth as a revolutionary VR game

But there are still two games that have received a patch update:

The firewall disappoints: The multiplayer shooter for Counter Strike fans has received an update for PS5, but to be honest, there’s no noticeable difference here. Everything keeps shaking and it doesn’t look much better. Announcing it as an update is quite a disappointment.

There is hardly a difference between the two versions (PS4 left / PS5 right)

The menus also show no obvious differences. (PS4 left / PS5 right)

The real future: However, there is a bright star in the VR sky. A game that shows just how awesome virtual reality could be on PS5: the single player shooter Blood & Truth.

It was the only game that got a real update that really blew me away. In direct comparison, the game on PS4 looks like I’m staring through a blurry camera at the movie screen of a PS3 game. In short, it’s no longer a good experience in comparison. Edges flicker, texts can hardly be read, character models become a cluster of pixels from a distance.

The best aspect can also be seen in the screenshots. (PS4 left / PS5 right)

In the headset, the difference is huge in direct comparison. (PS4 left / PS5 right)

This is what makes the PS5 version so good: Not only are all of these issues eliminated on PS5, it also improves the overall feel of the game. Due to the liquid 90 Hz, the game is much more immersive. I become part of the whole world and the story and I don’t have to think “Look, that gangster over there looks like he came out of a PS1 game”.

Fantastic feeling and wasted potential

The brief allusion to Blood & Truth literally lifted the veil of virtual reality from my eyes. I don’t have much experience with virtual reality on PC, I’ve been more and more into the world of PSVR and Oculus Quest. Therefore, such a quality is still new to me, with which I can read even the smallest texts with maximum sharpness. The opponents are high resolution and for the first time it seems that virtual reality has come an extra generation optically.

Sony doesn’t care: But now I don’t want to do without it anymore and that’s exactly my big problem with down compatibility. Blood & Truth shows that there is still life in the PSVR headset. Sony is giving up on this potential by deleting it as a legacy device. VR games will still be released in 2021, like Hitman 3, but there won’t be a native VR game for PS5. It is unclear if Game Boost will be used here as well. But it would be desirable.

In the end, it might even have been better if no VR game had benefited from the PS5. Then I don’t even know how good virtual reality can be on the next generation. Blood & Truth is barely scratching the surface of the possible and still uses the old PSVR hardware. I have now looked to the future and have to wait impatiently for at least two or three years before (hopefully) PSVR 2 appears. Thanks for that Sony!

Have you tried PSVR on PS5 yet? How were your experiences with the VR headset and the new console?

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