PS5: The reseller group has secured over 3,000 consoles


PS5: Has the reseller group secured over 3,000 consoles - 600 euros for a PS5 box?

Shortly after the first pre-order phase began, there were growing indications that retailers were sifting through the offers available with bot support and securing PS5 consoles without regular consumers having the ability to log in and order a console. .

However, according to a recent Business Insider report, the problem was far greater than many thought. The obstacle: a group of dealers from Great Britain made up of twelve members, who have joined forces on Discord and according to their own information they already knew before the official announcement where to hit to secure the PS5 consoles.

The bots apparently secured 3,500 consoles

The collective of resellers used bots and was able to secure 2,500 consoles in this way. Additionally, there are nearly 1,000 PS5 systems from the first pre-order phase of the PlayStation 5. As the group explains, this approach has benefited from past experience, as individual members have known each other for a long time and in recent years in the area of ​​The Shoes gymnastics and other products followed a similar approach.

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It goes without saying that PlayStation 5 consoles obtained from bots are offered at excessive prices on relevant websites and portals. Retailers don’t seem to have any moral concerns. On the contrary: as has been openly admitted, there were also internal competitions aimed at obtaining the maximum possible profit with appropriate resales.

The PS5 packaging will be auctioned at maximum prices

Also on the eBay online platform, the demand for PlayStation 5 is driving many curious style blooms, as we already know from other console launches. Among other things, the used PS5 packaging is offered for sale, so the price is sometimes pushed to absurd heights. In addition to sellers, who sometimes offer packaging for immediate purchase at high prices, buyers are also not entirely innocent of this development.

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In many cases, the descriptive text stresses several times that only the PS5 box is offered for sale. The prospect of obtaining yet SS5 often means that users do not carefully read the item description and to bid high hastily, usually with unpleasant consequences.

The PS5 was released in Europe last week and has struggled with delivery bottlenecks since the first pre-order phase. However, Sony Interactive Entertainment has recently assured that the company would send “significant amounts” of new SS5 console to retailers both before and after Christmas.

Thanks to people like this guy we don’t have a PS5 at launch. Buying bots is just plain wrong. from r / PS5

Those: Business Insider

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