
PS5 fans

PS5 is the most popular console at the moment, even though it launched alongside XBOX One X, people are still turning their attention to it, and even more so now, after bad news has been announced for all those waiting at the moment .

PS5 has a new problem discovered by some customers, more precisely it seems that not all consoles are as quiet as customers imagine, some have quieter fans, while others don’t have quite as quiet fans.

PS5 it is equipped with the two fans you see below, one with more blades than the other, so it is quieter, while the second makes so much noise that customers have started complaining about it on social networks.

PS5 It’s not a cheap console, but Sony has decided to roll out different fans for customers who buy the consoles, so not everyone will have the same experience in their regular use, which isn’t exactly good news.

loud PS5 fans

PS5 it is not made identical in all cases, as many products have different components between different models and Sony shows us that they are no different from other companies that make products with different components, not all of which perform as well.

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