PS5 does not hit 120 FPS in Rocket League. But here comes the Xbox!


Rocket League has been around for many good years! And of course, as long as it continues to be successful, it will also continue to jump off platforms, which of course include the next generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft, PS5 and Xbox Series S / X.

However, something very curious happened in the transition to the new consoles … After all, while Rocket League is capable of hitting the much-desired 120FPS on Xbox Series X and, interestingly, on Xbox Series S as well, PlayStation 5 can’t.

In fact, the studio has already come out to explain why, and apparently, it’s all due to limitations in Sony’s hardware.

PS5 can’t hit 120 FPS in Rocket League … But Xbox can!

ps5 rocket league

Psyonix, the studio responsible for the Rocket League, has therefore confirmed that the game will be present in the new generation, this while providing some information on the different versions of the title, namely for PS5 and Xbox Series X.

However, something quickly caught the attention of the players … After all, in the Xbox Series S / X versions the game offers more performance and quality options for gamers, while in the PS5 version these definitions simply don’t exist.

In short, on Xbox Series X, the game will have a “Quality Mode” when it runs in 4K at 60 FPS, but also a “Performance Mode” with non-native 4K but the possibility of reaching 120FPS. The Xbox Series S will have the Quality mode at 1080p and 60FPS while the Performance mode is at 1080p and 120fps non-native.

However, on PlayStation 5, the game will always run at non-native 4K and 60fps. In other words, the game will have the exact same graphic definition we found on the PS4 Pro … Why?

This is Psyonix’s explanation, now read:

“Our team’s goal this year was to upgrade to the free version and update really important features like the Tournament System. Meanwhile, 120Hz on the new Xbox Series is achieved through a small patch, which we weren’t able to do on the PS5 due to the console needing a full native port. Therefore, it was not possible to achieve this level of quality. “

In short, everything indicates that players with a PlayStation 5 will receive the exact same game they already had on their PS4. This is because backward compatibility is apparently more complex on the Sony console, and the studio says it didn’t have time.

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