
PS5 saved;

PS5 is the most anticipated console of 2020, we can say the same with the XBOX Series X, but whoever has managed to get their hands on Sony’s new product does not exactly have the best experience in terms of games that are available to her now.

PS5 has more serious problems, and I told you the other day about one that freezes and restarts the console, including restoring storage space, and today we talk about another, with Rest Mode, which also generates a restart of the console, but even a very important data deletion.

PS5 has a similar problem to what happens when the console suddenly unloads, its database requires a reset, but this also generates a loss of data, especially the saves made by the players for the games they have enjoyed in the new Sony console.

PS5 has such a serious problem that even Sony has confirmed that it is investigating the situation and trying to find a solution, especially as people will be extremely upset to see that the hard work of saving from games can disappear if the rest mode is used .

PS5 it is not the first console to launch with problems, no matter what their nature is, and it will not be the last either, XBOX Series X also has various problems, and that is normal, because that is what generally happens with most of electronic products. when they are launched into a new generation.

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