The province is increasing methamphetamine treatment programs while the drug continues to invade communities.
"We find the same thing in all corners of Manitoba, that methamphetamine is a concern wherever you go," says health minister Morden-Winkler, MLA Cameron Friesen. "This drug is very cheap on the streets, it is becoming the drug of choice for those who struggle with addictions".
Because addiction is particularly difficult to treat, the Province is investing in more flexible detoxification programs. "If there's one thing we're learning, it's like that [meth] it's not like other drugs … detoxification only takes longer. "
Generally, withdrawal management and recovery beds are available for individuals from 7 to 10 days. People with meth dependency often take up to 30 days. The creation of flexible beds for collection and length recovery will specifically help those suffering from methamphetamine addictions.
Manitoba recently joined the Canadian Government Emergency Response Fund, increasing funding to establish flexible management of the length of arrests and recovery beds and establishing mobile clinical support services in Winnipeg and Brandon for people using methamphetamine .
The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and Prairie Mountain Health will also publish a proposal for proposals (RFPs) in the new year to address the need for withdrawal and clinical care services for methamphetamine users. This will include a call to create mobile withdrawal services. Similar to a program used in B.C., the plan provides that those who have an addiction are placed in open treatment spaces at addiction treatment centers, with mobile teams providing daily support to these people. These teams typically included a nurse and addicts.