Professor at Ain Shams University: Vitamin D deficiency affects immunity and sun exposure is a necessity


“I want to protect you from the crown, keep your vitamin D cheek every day”, is the phrase we hear from the spread of the coronavirus. We believe by many that this works to boost immunity and prevent viruses and germs.

So is vitamin D really important for crown prevention and are tablets a sun substitute ?, Dr. Ashraf Uqba, head of the department of internal medicine and immunology at Ain Shams University, said on the seventh day: “La Vitamin D is its main source is the sun and the tablets can be taken by someone who suffers. Vitamin D deficiency only and it is not preferable to administer it as a prevention. “

He added: “Vitamin D deficiency in the body affects immunity and those who suffer from it must take appropriate treatment for their condition, but increasing the amount is not a means of prevention, because Corona virus prevention depends on how of prevention methods and precautionary measures such as wearing a mask, washing hands and social getting away. ” .

Dr. Ashraf Oqba advised the need for sun exposure, because it is the main source of vitamin D.


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