Price of Ethereum (ETH) close to $ 463.77; Base price in formation over the past 90 days, in an uptrend over the past 14 days


The hourly display for ETH

Last updated 11 November 2020, 02: 036 GMT

At the moment, the price of ETH is down $ -0.24 (-0.05%) from the previous hour. This move is a reversal from the previous hour, which saw the price rise. If you are a trend trader, please consider that the strongest clear trend on the hourly chart exists in the 20 hour period. Price action traders may also want to note that we see some doji and pin bar candle patterns on ETH. Given that we see an upward trend over the time frame of the 20 and 10 hour candles and that such candle patterns often denote reversals, this may be worth noting. The moving averages on the hourly time frame suggest a discontinuity in price, as 20, 50, 100 and 200 are all in a mixed alignment, which means that the trend across time periods is inconsistent, indicating potential opportunity for rangebound traders.

Ethereum Daily Price Summary

The back-and-forth price flow continues for Ethereum, which started today at US $ 450.86, up 1.44% ($ 6.41) from the previous day. This move took place on lower volume, as yesterday’s volume was down 10.39% from the day before and 30.1% from the same day the previous week. Ethereum outperformed all 7 assets in the Top Cryptos asset class from the day before. Congratulations to its owners! Let’s take a look at Ethereum’s daily price chart.


Ethereum technical analysis

The clearest trend exists on the 14th day timeframe, which shows the price increasing over time. Price action traders in particular will want to note that the 90 day period appears to show the price forming a base; this could indicate that a support / resistance level is developing. Or to look at it another way, note that over the past 14 days the price of Ethereum has risen by 8.

Heard on Twitter

For laughs, quarrels, or really helpful information, let’s see what the most popular Ethereum-related tweets have been in the last day:

  • From BullyEsq:

    I understand why people are optimistic about bitcoin. I am optimistic about bitcoin. I understand why people are optimistic about Ethereum. I am optimistic about Ethereum. I don’t understand why people are optimistic about government fiat currencies. I’m not optimistic about the government’s fiat currencies.

  • From EthereumOnARM:

    1 / PSA. After months of testing and researching with the Eth1 and Eth2 nodes, we decided to focus from day zero on a @Raspberry_Pi 4. these types of devices. # eth2 #ethereum

  • From BobMcElrath:

    It is impossible for a blockchain to prove its consistency without reference to the outside world. In Bitcoin this is mining and its extrinsic cost. Ethereum gave up and went with “weak subjectivity” which means you have to trust a third party to tell you.

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