Prefect Timis, photographed on a terrace with Dan Bittman, leader of the “anti-muzzle movement”


Timis County Prefect Liliana Onet was photographed on a terrace with Holograf band leader Dan Bittman, who recently said he doesn’t think the pandemic is so serious and that some of the measures taken are exaggerated.

The photo was taken in Bucharest on 20 October.

The image was published by Click, a publication to which Onet also had a reaction. When asked about this photo, Onet initially stated that he “doesn’t know what it is”. “I don’t know what the photo is about. I have no statements to make on a subject that has nothing to do with my work. If I meet (with Bittman – no.) Privately, it’s not a problem for the press (. ..) There was no meeting with Dan Bittman, “he said.

Instead, Dan Bittman confirmed they were sitting on the terrace, claiming no rules had been broken. “Yes, I went out. I wore the mask to the terrace and it was ok. The message on Facebook was not an incitement to revolt. I continue to lead a normal life, following the rules, but they seem absurd to me. It is a purely personal opinion. , I’m not asking anyone to believe me or follow my example, “Dan Bittman told the source.

Holograph soloist Dan Bittman defied authorities restrictions on preventing the spread of COVID-19. Later, in a post on his Facebook page, he complained that after the “COVID lie” he had to endure “embarrassing and false alarms on the phone”, Dan Bittman criticized the other day, on Antena 3, the way the authorities handle. pandemic.

Later, in a speech at Gandul Live, the band’s soloist Holograf called for the government to resign and made a shocking statement, saying he would rather die from COVID than live in the current conditions.

“I have nothing to do with the Horeca, but that’s not the problem … This disinfects, you have a mask. It also concerns the showrooms, if the mask protects us so much, why don’t you let them come to concerts with the mask.people on the subway … It must have been tens of thousands dead, those people must have fallen on the street, if it’s such a deadly virus, if it’s a pandemic, we don’t have it, it must have been 80 million “I took” “There are a million. My mouth is dirty and I can say anything. Let me die of Covid, God forbid. I no longer want to live in degrading conditions. It’s not possible, it’s too much, “said Bitmann., According to the cited source.


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