Portaltic.-Nearby Share will allow you to share apps with other people from the Play Store


MADRID, Dec 4 (Portaltic / EP) –

Google will update some of its services in the coming weeks to introduce the ability to share applications via Nearby Share with other users, navigate applications by voice or establish frequent destinations in Maps.

The tech firm reported the latest developments in its Android products, with which it seeks to make phones “more useful”, even “outside of major operating system updates,” as stated on its official blog.

One of those novelties is Voice access, which allows users with motor disabilities to control the “smartphone” with their voice. Navigation is possible through the labels that users insert in the application screens, with which it is possible access the different elements of the app using voice commands.

As the company explains, this is a new version of Voice Access, as the previous one was only available for Android 11 and is now compatible with devices from Android 6.

Along with Voice Access, Google will update “in the coming weeks” Share nearby so that users can share applications from the digital store company with other people. This tool will allow you to share them even without the need for WiFi or mobile data, directly from the Google Play Store.

Google Maps also has a new tab, which allows the user to do this set frequent destinations (school, work, supermarket) to get travel information, such as driving directions, traffic trends in real time, road breaks without the user having to manually type the address.

It is also compatible with routes in public transport, and in this case it will show service timetables and alerts. Users will be able to establish multiple routes to the same destination, by car and by public transport.

Google has reported that this new Maps tab will be available for Android and iOS applications in the coming weeks.

On Gboard, a new version of Emoji Kitchen allows for this combine emoji more simply, simply by tapping two emojis to see combination suggestions or by double clicking on a single emoji to show “stronger emotions”. This feature will be available in the app for Android 6 onwards “in the coming weeks”.

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