Politika Online – “Torlak” can get his corona vaccine


In the fight against the corona virus, the only salvation right now is seen by all of humanity in the potential vaccines, which are being produced. While waiting for some of them to obtain permits from official world institutions, experts advise citizens to adhere to epidemiological measures, such as wearing masks and staying at a distance, but also to get vaccinated against the flu, because they fear what the scenario could be. in hospitals if patients both viruses. This year, after a 15-year hiatus, the “Torlak” Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Serums has produced a domestic flu vaccine, and there are indications that this institution, along with some of the foreign vaccine manufacturers kovid 19, could, with investments in plants, become involved in this activity over time. In an interview with “Politika”, Dr. Vera Stoiljković, director of the “Torlak” Institute, points out that so far they have produced around 100,000 doses of their flu vaccine “torvaxflu” and that they are expected to produce around 250,000 doses by the end of the season 2020/2021. of this vaccine.

What is the interest of citizens in obtaining this vaccine?

The “torvaxflu” vaccine against influenza (fragmented, inactivated virus) has been available to citizens of health centers since 15 October. The public health institute “Dr Milan Jovanović Batut” has more precise information on the planning, distribution and consumption of the vaccine, but according to our information, the Serbian citizens are happy to opt for the “Torlak” vaccine and so far they have been consumed significant quantities of our vaccine.

Because they are these vaccines intended for the population aged 18 to 65in a? This confused the audience a bit.

The procedure for registering a vaccine is such that it is initially registered for a certain population group and subsequently the age groups that can use this vaccine in immunization are expanded. A clinical study and registration was carried out for our influenza vaccine, which includes the population aged 18 to 65, confirmed by a clinical trial conducted by the Torlak Institute in collaboration with the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Serbian Health.

There have been statements from some doctors in the media that Torlakhe did not produce the vaccine himself, but obtained components that were only “crushed” in the laboratory. How much truth is there in this?

Our flu vaccine is completely manufactured at the “Torlak” Institute, starting from the active component to the final product. In the previous period, as a participant in the global action plan for the production of the flu vaccine, the Torlak Institute, in accordance with the guidelines of the good manufacturing practice, built a plant for the production of the flu vaccine, established the vaccine production technology, made its own vaccine, carried out all preclinical activities and clinical trials and after an inspection by the Ministry of Health and a detailed and rigorous evaluation of the registration documentation, received a license for the drug issued by the ‘Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Serbia.

This is it domestic flu vaccine sure?

Clinical studies have shown that the home flu vaccine is safe and effective against all three strains of the flu virus.

After the production of this vaccine, many are wondering if the Institute “Torlak“There is ability to produce is corona vaccine?

The “Torlak” Institute has the knowledge and experience in the production of vaccines, so that the installation of new technologies for the production of vaccines can be carried out in our institute, certainly in collaboration with the competent institutions and with the necessary financial investments. .

When a foreign vaccine appears against covid which requires special storage conditions at temperatures of minus 80 degrees Celsius, if he would be responsible for it Torlak“IS there isdo drive where it could be to put off and distribute?

The Torlak Institute has a cold chain certificate and, based on this, knows the possibilities of storing all types of vaccines at different temperature regimes. With the help of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization, these capacities will be enhanced over time, provided and ready for the reception, storage and distribution of vaccines.

Information has appeared in public that Russia is offering Serbia joint production of the kovid vaccine “frompassenger 5. Someone has been contacted with you and started cooperation?

If this type of collaboration takes place, the public will certainly be informed in a timely manner.

Your institution performs a large number of kovid 19 tests. How many PCR tests do you perform per day?

In the national reference laboratory of the Torlak Institute, on average, thousands of PCR tests are performed daily for the diagnosis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which directly depends on the number of biological material received (oropharyngeal swabs) from health institutions, as well as daily the number of commercial test requests conducted at the Torlak Institute during a given day.

You have increased your testing capacity? Is there a greater interest of citizens in the so-called commercial tests?

The testing capacity will be even greater when the equipment supplied by the government of Serbia arrives and is being procured. According to this, the so-called manual extraction will be replaced by the automatic one, which will make the process of obtaining the results faster and easier. Given the time that has elapsed since the Torlak Institute has provided commercial PCR molecular testing services for SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, the swings in the number of commercial services involved have not been great. Basically, if we compare the number of requests for the provision of the same service in the previous months of the current year, the interest in commercial tests has not increased.

T.The estimate must be planned or May self he came without programming? It can also be tested here a person who has symptoms of the coronawithout having to pay for the service?

At the Torlak Institute, appointments can be made via the online e-government application. Additionally, at the Torlak Institute, citizens can perform commercial tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection without prior appointment. Taking into account the fact that “Torlak” does not have a pre-hospital clinic as part of its main business, there is no possibility of establishing such a basis for testing, and therefore there is no possibility of medical examination of persons suspected of being infected with kovid 19, therefore neither the possibility of establishing a basis for testing.

How many tests have you done since the start of the pandemic?

Since the start of the pandemic on November 24, the Torlak Institute has provided hundreds of thousands of PCR testing services for kovid 19.

Since kovid 19 appeared doctors they often advise citizens take probiotics preventivelyand this is necessary if they take antibiotics. Does the Torlak Institute have one of the oldest preparations of its kind?

It is “liobif”, a dietary product with a tradition of five decades. It is intended for all ages and affects the improvement of the health of the whole organism. It stimulates the immune system, accelerates the use of nutrients, vitamin synthesis and the excretion of toxins. It is extremely effective in the prevention and treatment of intestinal infections. Gluten free. It is recommended for diarrhea in infants, children and adults, intestinal flora disorders caused by antibiotics, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, negative effects of diet, poor diet and stress, increased cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, chronic recurrent canker sores, as well as early prevention and during the trip. It can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Many people have suffered damage to the heart muscle after undergoing a crown. Doctors, to make sure the problem was solely caused by kovid o is, Could be, The discomfort was caused by another virus, like Coke, send patients for analysis a existence Coke virus. What is the procedure for this test?

Patients who have the referral of a certified doctor come to the “Torlak” Institute, where the patient’s blood is taken for analysis with the suspicion of the coxsackie virus. It takes two to three weeks to get the test results from the time the patient’s blood is drawn. Citizens who have the training of a certified doctor do not pay for the analysis, while at their request, the analysis can be performed commercially.

Making autovaccines “cure” urinary tract infections

Can people who have problems with frequent urinary tract infections in “Torlak” still get an autovaccine and thus solve the problem?

Candidates for autovaccine development are patients who have frequent bacterial infections of the urogenital system, skin and some respiratory mucous membranes and who react poorly to usual antibiotic therapy or are allergic to numerous antibiotics. The process of preparing an immunomodulating therapeutic autovaccine lasts from 8 to 10 weeks. The autovaccine cannot be used in patients with active tuberculosis, malignant tumors and autoimmune processes.


There is no shortage of serum

There have been many stories this summer about how it is missing antiserum which is given in case of a snake bite. It’s yoursfromthe title no longer makes those serums?

The “Torlak” Institute has been producing a “viekvin” snake bite serum for more than two and a half decades. In accordance with the requirements of health institutions, the “Torlak” Institute produces a sufficient amount of serum necessary to protect the population of Serbia from snakebite, so according to this there was no shortage. In addition to these products, the Torlak Institute also produces all kinds of allergens, a large number of media and five bacterial vaccines, four of which are included in the current mandatory immunization schedule, namely the “be-if-” freeze-dried vaccine. ze “, the tetanus vaccine” tetavaxal “, the” Ditevaxal “vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus, as well as the” ditevaxal “vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus for adults, and there is also the” aldipete “vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.


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