The only thing finally He strongly recalled the pre-pandemic era yesterday, the 47th anniversary of the Polytechnic student uprising. There was no lack of “traditions” either chemically, nor the intensity and the counterclaims between the Greek police forces and the demonstrators, while the “agenda” of this year’s celebration was added this year crowding which feeds the coronavirus, which in turn only caused the yesterday loss of 63 lives in the country.
Prioritize, however, revolutionary gymnastics as a higher priority than the pandemic, accordingly KKE, MERA25 and secondarily SYRIZA did not avoid the temptation of the anniversary events for the uprising, although the decision of the EL.AS leader had been implemented. for a three-day ban on concentrations, fearing further spread of the virus.
Challenging her relevant order, but also the high viral load in Attica, About 200 KKE members met yesterday shortly after 10 am at the “Megaro Mousikis” station. of the subway, protesting in front of the United States Embassy in Piazza Mavili and then marching towards Freedom Park. Moving to the limits of legality, many of the protesters in the KKE block had moved from their homes, having previously send an SMS to 13033 with code 1, ie the passage to Alexandra Hospital, that is, making massive use of the possibility of going to the doctor in an emergency, with Perissos declaring that he ignores the sending of SMS by his members.

At the same time, around the same time in Eleftherias Park a second meeting of the KKE members was planned, but also the “event of honor and memory” of the official opposition, where 50 SYRIZA executives (MPs, trade union representatives and young people), led by the party president, Alexis Tsipras, They paid tribute, in the presence of the demonstrators of the 1973 Student Coordination Committee, with Mr. Tsipras who laid a wreath after the event.

But it is so KKE outside the US Embassy, as well as the SYRIZA in the EAT ESA building fully respected health protocolsthis is masks is distances, as commented by the Minister of Civil Protection, Michalis Chrysochoidis, remembering, after all, that the decision of EL.AS it has not prohibited political events, but marches and rallies of more than 4 people. In this light, until noon, the images broadcast by the media from the center of Athens were images absolute respect for the memory of the fallen, but also of the day, which is a critical day for the outcome of the pandemic in Greece.
With the fewest people in his neighborhood, protest march and protest sit-in outside the US embassy were held by MERA25, led by the party secretary, Yanis Varoufakis and 6 of his delegates to frame him. Crossing the Polytechnic of Patision in via Stadiou, the executives of MERA25 headed towards Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, at EAT ESA, to hold a protest sit-in. “MERA25 honored the precautionary measures, convincing its members NOT to take to the track, but to be represented by 7 deputies.” Mr. Chrysochoidis stacked the children of ELAS to violate the Constitution, preventing us! “ the party secretary said, however, Yanis Varoufakis, with his MPs complaining the forces of EL.AS. they are lined up in a wall, denying them access to the US embassy, even when traffic for citizens has been fully restored.

The situation, however, burst, when the gathering of KKE protesters shortly after one in the afternoon, revealing the “business plan” of Perissos to hold three – at least – rallies during the day yesterday, the last one at noon in the Propylaea, with the aim of the demonstrators to reach the Polytechnic, crossing Panepistimiou street and reaching Omonias square. At the same time, he was protesting and PAME Thessaloniki, having organized a march earlier with the participation of representatives of SFEA, trade unions and student associations, outside the American Consulate in Thessaloniki, where shortly after 2:00 pm, Protesters burn the American flag.
The thermometer, on the other hand, on the road to the University indicated it Red, when the police also asked the assembled protesters to leave meetings were forbidden, resulting in tense scenes. Protesters refused to leave the street and tensions prevailed, leading to the ouster of the party’s parliamentary representative. Thanasis Pafilis, but also others KKE MPs που were present, while EL.AS. proceeded to 5 adductions.

“He was here waiting. They didn’t do anything.” supported Mr. Koutsoubas, while second Perissos party media it was a “Unprovoked attack”. Follow telephone intervention of Mr. Pafilis to the Deputy Minister of Civil Protection, Lefteri Oikonomou, at the request of immediate release of the accused, operates and has finally been done. Despite the temporary easing of the situation, shortly after 2.30 pm the source of tension at the University was rekindled, with the “Aiants” by EL.AS. to spray water while the protesters started running towards Omonia and Karaiskaki Square in Metaxourgio, with strong police forces following them on foot. In addition to the MAT teams and the “auras”, a large number of ELAS motorcycles lined up at the University, with the clear intention of dispersing the rally, as it happened about an hour later, when the tension stopped around 3.30 .

A few hours later, Mr. gave his version of the episodes. Chrysochoidis. Speaking to SKAI TV, the Minister for Citizen Protection described how “Don’t imagine the 1,500 (of the KKE) all came together. I am very disappointed because I have honored the KKE since I was a child. At a time when we covered 95% of ICU, a political party for the reasons you know, held a demonstration in the center with 1,500 people … “ and added that “These things don’t exist. Ten times the mediating officer asked the leadership to leave, but that would never happen. There was no other option for the government and ELAS than to disband.” Imagine 1,500 people going through a pandemic in city”.
Answering, at the same time, a objections of the KKE for “Unprovoked attack” and demonstration of police violence“Everything will be investigated, not unilaterally against ELAS. COVID fines will be imposed on all those who have been brought or arrested, in addition to the criminal treatment of those who can go to the prosecutor.” pointed out Mr. Chrysochoidis, announcing how “And for Alexandros Grigoropoulos it is obvious that events like last year cannot take place.”
After the mergers, “She ate her face!” the government replied the Redundant, condemning him “Today’s orgy of government authoritarianism, police violence and repression”, in his announcement, after the end of the episodes.
The announcement of the KKE:
“The KKE condemns the current orgy of government authoritarianism, police violence and repression.
The government and police responded to a demonstration that exemplified public health protection measures with unnecessary and unprovoked attacks, provocations by parliamentarians and leaders of the KKE, the General Secretary of the Party Central Committee, dozens of accusations and accusations .
The government has historical and criminal responsibilities. It turned out that protection from the pandemic was only a pretext, as the first to defiantly ignore the protection measures were the government, the state and repressive mechanisms.
The government’s goal is now evident to even the most skeptical. He wants to hide behind the scenes of the conflict that takes its own responsibility for the collapse of the public health system and for the lack of necessary measures, which cost thousands of cases and dozens of deaths every day. He also wanted, under the pretext of the pandemic, to get rid of the combative and rebellious message of the Polytechnic.
She ate her face! Authoritarianism and government bans have effectively been repealed. And the demonstration took place and the march in front of the American embassy. And in fact with the exemplary observance of all measures for the protection of public health.
Let all accused be released here and now. The government will face us every day, in the struggle for health, life, work with rights.
On the part of the KKE regarding the release of the accused, SYRIZA was also open, with the parliamentarian of the party, Alexis Haritsis, who asked from the courtroom to release the arrested, transferring the tension to Parliament. “We have broken the stupid ban and returned the provocative projects to their instigators.” Democracy and historical memory do not go into quarantine, “said the president of SYRIZA after the party at EAT ESA, which Pavlos Polakis did not attend. which was seen at the Polytechnic.
Having chosen not to attend the Polytechnic for the first time and observing the protective measures, Koumoundourou raised the tone even more last night, raising the glove of ND’s criticism. “Mr. Mitsotakis, after losing all control in the face of the pandemic and economic collapse, has bet that he has the illusion of control left by the repression and provocations”, commented Koumoundourou after dark, concluding that “the authoritarianism that we experienced in Athens and Thessaloniki are proof of the weakness and isolation of the government. Isolation first of all in the society which now understands that the government is not interested in public health or the financial support that the times require “.
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