Photo / This is my land is the bagpipes of 2020


The gala of the gaitero festival promoted by the mayor’s office was held. The songs Retazos del corazón and Concerto celestial took second and third place.

Press release

This is my land, composed by Dicson Añez and performed by Danelo Badell, with the Los Grandes de la Gaita group, under the direction of Humberto Sánchez “El Ovejo”, was elected Bagpipe of the Year 2020, in an event full of poinsettia joy.

The grand final gala of the Bagpipe of the Year, organized by the Mayor’s office of Maracaibo on the night of this Tuesday 17 November, in homage to Daniel Alvarado, the “Negrito Fullero”, was heard in several countries through social networks, the Radio and TV of the Gran Salón Bolívar of the Hotel Tibisay, which has reached its maximum capacity as a prevention against the pandemic, reported in a statement.

The first place trophy was awarded by Mayor Willy Casanova and the first fighter and director general of social development, Selene Estrach, together with the governor of Zulia, Omar Prieto, the first fighter Jesica Lucena and the minister of tourism, Alí ​​Padrón . Walls

The President of the Municipal Council, Jessy Gascon, together with the notary Pedro Villasmil, presented the second trophy to the Saladillo 70 group, for the Retazos del corazón bagpipe, composed by Argenis Sánchez; while Francisco Hidalgo, vice-president of the Ricardo Aguirre Municipal Bagpipe Institute (Imgra), awarded third place to the celeste concert bagpipe, by Leandro Zuleta and performed by Gaiteros de Molero.

In the new category for children / youth bagpipes, created this year by the organizing committee of the Bagpipe Festival of the Year, “My Request to the Child Jesus”, composed by Carlos “Condorito” Vargas, recently deceased, was elected and performed from Los Verduguitos de Cabimas. Second place went to “Yo soy”, by Machikytos, and third place went to Gaita por la mano, by Gaiteritos del Tío Freddy.

El Manto de María, played by Proyecto Pentagrama, won first place in the new category Best Bagpipe Abroad. “Yo te Sueno”, from the So Suona Maracaibo group, ranked second, while “My Four Pipers”, from the Zulianos Show, came third.

The jury was composed of Argenis Carruyo, Ender Carruyo, the chronicler and historian, Yldefonso Finol, Nectario Sánchez, Marvin González and the soloist Lula López, the musician and composer Francisco Yoris, the commentator Juan Ramos, the announcer Enio Trujillo, the percussionist Eudom Peralta, the composer José Marrero, the singer-songwriter Nelson Romero, the director of the Coro Sinfónico del Zulia, Rafael Patete and the minister Alí Padrón.

The Candela group performed a demonstration of the different bagpipe rhythms in the region, which made the authorities and the public present at the event dance, with the furro bagpipes, the drummer, the bagpipes of Santa Lucia and the perijanera, as well as interpreting Las Petacas, composed by Miguel Ordóñez, president of Imgra.

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