Phil Spencer speaks out against the console war


It's worse with PlayStation and Xbox fans, but the absurd field formations can also be observed with Nintendo or PC players.
It’s worse with PlayStation and Xbox fans, but the absurd field formations can also be observed with Nintendo or PC players.

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has nothing to do with trench warfare between PlayStation and Xbox fans. On the contrary: he finds this console warfare, or tribalism as he calls it, simply painful and declares that it is one of the worst things in the entire gaming industry. In fact, it’s the only thing that could cause him to turn his back on the industry at some point.

Xbox boss Phil Spencer can’t understand trench warfare in console warfare

This is what it is: Many people defend an expensive entertainment product and the multimillion-dollar company behind it as if it were their own child. Worse still: they attack the alleged opposite side as if they were not human too. Unfortunately, this transfigured fanaticism is too often transformed into hatred, resentment and toxic behavior.

This can be seen in particular at events such as the recent new generation launch. Many PlayStation 5 fans make Xbox Series X bad and vice versa. But instead of actually discussing things, people argue, insult and hate emotionally.

No understanding: Xbox boss Phil Spencer not only finds this behavior inappropriate, but believes it to be one of the worst aspects of the entire video game industry. He refers to the so-called console wars as “tribalism,” a kind of tribal affiliation, which hits quite well (via The Verge).

“This tribalism in the industry – if anything pushes me out of the industry, it really is.”

The Xbox boss talks about the hard, loud heart of those who will truly hate another entertainment product.

“It’s so repulsive to me. To me, this is one of the worst things in our industry.”

Not for the first time: Microsoft’s Phil Spencer has made similar statements over and over in recent years. In 2019, for example, he stressed that Sony didn’t have to hurt for Microsoft to do right. The good relations between them were also highlighted:

Microsoft doesn't want Sony to go wrong, says the Xbox boss


more on the subject

Microsoft doesn’t want Sony to go wrong, says the Xbox boss

In the interview with The Verge, Phil Spencer repeated his statement that PlayStation and Sony are not competitors. Earlier this year, the Xbox boss listed Google and Amazon as actual competitors, this time putting it this way:

“We are in the entertainment industry. The biggest competitor we have is an apathy for the products, services and games we make.”

Also in the conversation with The Verge, Phil Spencer also revealed that Microsoft will likely offer an Xbox app for smart TVs within the next 12 months. So the Game Pass could be used directly on the TV via xCloud streaming, without any additional console.

What could we all do together for endless trench warfare among video game fans? Or don’t you mind the so-called “console war”?

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