pharmacists who volunteer for vaccination


The Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France said on Tuesday that pharmacists are willing to “contribute” to the Covid-19 vaccination campaign, under certain conditions.

Pharmacists, who are currently vaccinating against influenza, are volunteering to “contribute” to the Covid-19 vaccination campaign, the French Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions (FSPF), the industry’s leading trade union organization, said Tuesday. .

“We can contribute but many people will have to contribute,” said Philippe Besset, president of the FSPF, during a discussion with the director general of health insurance, Thomas Fatome.

“On October 13, we had a record number of vaccinations in dispensaries, with 400,000” vaccinations per day, said Philippe Besset. “Maybe we can increase a little but not much more,” he added.

“If the ambition is to vaccinate 30 million people quickly enough, there will have to be several solutions,” he said, referring to doctors and nurses, adding that they know how to work effectively together.

A climate of trust between pharmacists and patients?

The flu vaccination campaign is mainly aimed at people vulnerable to the virus: over 65, people with chronic diseases (diabetes, heart or respiratory failure, etc.) or severe obesity and pregnant women. All eligible adults can collect the vaccine at the pharmacy upon presentation of the health insurance voucher and be vaccinated as desired by a volunteer doctor, nurse, midwife or pharmacist.

“Pharmacists’ flu vaccination is very successful,” assured Thomas Fatome, for whom they make it “easier for policyholders.” “Trust that policyholders, patients with these vaccines, that pharmacists play a central role in the device is paramount,” he added.

“The role of doctors, pharmacists and nurses in Covid vaccination will, I believe, be important. We need this territorial network and we need this capacity to do so”, he added, specifying that it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health, under the aegis of the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic, define the contours of the vaccination campaign. “Work still in progress,” he said.

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