Site survey CNN “ The news is that Pfizer will provide a thermal charger to transport, distribute and store the Pfizer Corona vaccine using dry ice.

Pfizer’s corona virus vaccine
The site said, it will use Pfizer Pfizer This vaccine shipping fund requires you not to participate in the U.S. government’s plan to use an external distributor, which is McKesson , Which is a third-party distributor, which is expected to handle other Coronavirus vaccines when available.
The site added, clinics can then use the charger to store the vaccine until it is ready for dissolution, dilution, and injection into the arms, as healthcare workers, primary care providers and those at risk of developing complications of the Corona virus, as the elderly, are among the first receive the vaccination.
Countries will run vaccination programs, by public health nurses as well as general practitioners, doctors and pharmacists.

Thermal charger
At the Pfizer symposiumPfizer In line with state health officials last month, the company set its specific requirements: Once sites receive the vaccine-filled thermal charger, they should refill dry ice within 24 hours. Fill dry ice again, then again after 5 days.

Dry ice
Clinic staff must act quickly when removing the vaccine from the shipper as directed PfizerThe boxes can only be opened twice a day and each time for no more than a minute.
At any time, the vaccine can be taken out of the magazine and placed in the refrigerator, where it is only valid for five days, when the nurses are ready to use, dilute the vaccine, making 5 doses in a vial, those five doses must be given within 6 hours, if it passes In 6 hours, vaccinations should be discarded.
The whole process has to happen twice for each patient, with the vaccine given in two doses three weeks apart.

Find out what dry ice looks like
The site added that healthcare workers have never been used to buying dry ice before, let alone when it is in short supply, as in some parts of the country, treating dry ice can be dangerous, it can burn skin and in places with Una poor ventilation, can produce potentially lethal fumes.
The site pointed out that there is another potential problem, that doctors and nurses overloaded with Corona virus patients and other responsibilities will face a challenge to follow directions perfectly, which takes minutes to lead.
An unconventional way to keep pollen frozen
Thermal trucks are essential for a vaccine to be successful, but it’s not clear that they work.
I asked for “CNN” a company PfizerAbout the tests they had conducted to show that the thermostat was capable of keeping the vaccine at minus 75 degrees, but the company did not respond..
A spokesperson for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said before any vaccine is authorized: “The authority will review information on vaccine stability. This information reflects intended distribution and storage conditions for a specific candidate vaccine and our review is provided to ensure that the quality, safety and efficacy of the vaccine are not compromised prior to its use.“.
At the August CDC meeting, Pfizer said Pfizer The charger can be used for 10 days and can be replenished with dry ice for a long time, but it didn’t remind you it was in September, said Angela Howeung, head of Pfizer’s biomedical group.In November, the vaccine can be stored on the shipper for 15 days.
A Pfizer spokesperson said لشبكة CNN If not opened, the charger can maintain its temperature for 10 days, allowing for extended charging times, and once opened on arrival, it can be used as a buffer for up to 15 days with dry ice replenishment, every five days..
Comments like these have created confusion among state health officials and, furthermore, it is not clear where they will get the dry ice.
I told the Health and Human Services Authority HHS State governors say they will need to source dry ice from local suppliers, but they also acknowledge that there may be difficulties in sourcing it in some parts of the country..
The CDC says it is exploring options for solving this problem, including solutions to provide greater access to dry ice, but has yet to specify what these solutions ultimately are..
I told a company Pfizer The United States says that if they can’t get dry ice locally, they can use the company’s dry ice suppliers, but they have provided few details on what the process will look like..
This prompted at least one state, North Dakota, to buy its dry ice machine, an expensive offer of $ 48,000, plus another $ 40,000 for 3 months of liquid carbon dioxide, an ingredient needed to make ice, according to George. Gerhardt. In the North Dakota Department of Health.
Some states are ignoring CDC directives not to purchase ultra-low temperature freezers; North Dakota, for example, spent $ 100,000 to purchase 13 ultra-low temperature freezers, according to Nicole Pesci, a spokesperson for the state Department of Health..
Network required CNN By Pfizer Inc. to address state officials’ concerns about keeping the vaccine at the right temperature, also known as the “cold chain.”“.
Pfizer spokesman Stephen Danihey said PfizerMost vaccines require storage in the cold chain, adding that we have already started developing innovative cold chain solutions and distribution logistics to facilitate the supply of vaccines. “We have also developed packaging and storage innovations to be fit for purpose with the range of locations where we believe vaccines will be produced.“.
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