Perpignan: a man infected with Covid-19 for the second time in a few months


the essential
A business manager from Perpignan, already infected with Covid-19 in mid-March, tested positive again in early November. Extremely rare: a serological test carried out in June would have shown an absence of immunity in the young.

The question of how long immunity acquired after coronavirus infection is debated in the world of medical research, but for some people there would be no immunity. Kévin Alcaraz, a young entrepreneur from Perpignan, is one of about twenty people around the world to have experienced confirmed reinfection with Covid-19. According to him, there is no doubt: immunity against this virus does not exist.

A first infection in March

His first infection dates back to last March, as reported by our colleagues from The independent. He had contracted the virus during a meal at a friend’s flight attendant. The symptoms arrived a week later: fatigue, migraines, cold sweats … The young man did not feel well but did not think directly about Covid-19. It was after he went for a run and felt a burning sensation in his lungs that he decided to take the test. His PCR test confirmed his fears: he was positive for the disease.

The June test reveals the lack of antibodies

After fifteen days of painful convalescence isolated in his apartment, he is showing greater vigilance against the virus. When he learns that one of his friends has had a more severe form of the virus requiring hospitalization, he decides to have a serological screening in June. This turns out to be negative: the young man, who had contracted the virus shortly before, already had no antibodies left.

Uncertain about his vulnerability to potential reinfection, the entrepreneur decides to limit his social life and his outings to a minimum, telework from home and scrupulously respect barrier gestures.

A new infection in November

Despite all these precautions, he started coughing in early November. Within two days, he had aches and a headache. Fearing the worst, he went to the pharmacy for an antigen test. The verdict falls: he is again infected with Covid-19, in an aggravated form, seven months after his first infection.

He rules out a simple relapse because this time the symptoms are different from those of his first infection. The young man now suffers from a loss of taste and smell: a paralyzing disease for the head of a company specializing in the creation of candles and fragrances for the home.

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